NOTE: The Text Below Is Intentionally Mis-cased To Make It Hard To Human Read. The reason for this relates the need to receive this information via
SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE [ With Imperative Replacement Audio Queues. Without This Audio Detail, The Details In Written Form Might Be Taken Out Of
Context [ Intentionally To Assume That This Author Has Intention Or Issued Some Kind of Violence Against Someone or Plan Of Somekind of Future Time
Action, Which Is ABSOLUTELY unequivocally UNTRUE! Words Here Are Written Literally As Legally Allowable Under Certain Conditional and Uncondtional
Aspects [ If This Communcioation Is Just Ignored With No Response.] Ignore For War -- Respond For Peace. Ignore For War - Respond for Peace.
I g n o r e f o r w a r w a r war war w a r --- r e a l real really -- is that your goal?
adverb: unequivocally
in a way that leaves no doubt.
Really that is what is self-evident and court testimonial provable beyond a reasonable doubt.
Who is it that "your goal" is identified here?
This is not a inclusive complete list:
law of nature
By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
law of nature, in the philosophy of science, a stated regularity in the relations or order of phenomena in the world that holds, under a stipulated set of conditions, either universally or in a stated proportion of instances. (The notion is distinct from that of a natural law—i.e., a law of right or justice supposedly derived from nature.)
Laws of nature are of two basic forms: (1) a law is universal if it states that some conditions, so far as are known, invariably are found together with certain other conditions; and (2) a law is probabilistic if it affirms that, on the average, a stated fraction of cases displaying a given condition will display a certain other condition as well. In either case, a law may be valid even though it obtains only under special circumstances or as a convenient approximation. Moreover, a law of nature has no logical necessity; rather, it rests directly or indirectly upon the evidence of experience.
Laws of universal form must be distinguished from generalizations, such as “All chairs in this office are gray,” which appear to be accidental. Generalizations, for example, cannot support counterfactual conditional statements such as “If this chair had been in my office, it would be gray” nor subjunctive conditionals such as “If this chair were put in my office, it would be gray.” On the other hand, the statement “All planetary objects move in nearly elliptical paths about their stars” does provide this support. All scientific laws appear to give similar results. The class of universal statements that can be candidates for the status of laws, however, is determined at any time in history by the theories of science then current.
Several positive attributes are commonly required of a law of nature. Statements about things or events limited to one location or one date cannot be lawlike. Also, most scientists hold that the predicate must apply to evidence not used in deriving the law: though the law is founded upon experience, it must predict or help one to understand matters not included among those experiences. Finally, it is normally expected that a law will be explainable by more embracing laws or by some theory. Thus, a regularity for which there are general theoretical grounds will be more readily called a law of nature than an empirical regularity that cannot be subsumed under more general laws or theories.
Universal laws are of several types. Many assert a dependence between varying quantities measuring certain properties, as in the law that the pressure of a gas under steady temperature is inversely proportional to its volume (see Boyle’s law). Others state that events occur in an invariant order, as in “Vertebrates always occur in the fossil record after the rise of invertebrates.” Last, there are laws affirming that if an object is of a stated sort it will have certain observable properties. Part of the reason for the ambiguity of the term law of nature lies in the temptation to apply it only to statements of one of these sorts of laws, as in the claim that science deals solely with cause and effect relationships, when in fact all three kinds are equally valid.
This article was most recently revised and updated by Brian Duignan.
aTtEnTiOn DoCtOrS, CaSe MaNaGeRs / wOrKeRs, sOcIaL sErViCe OrGaNiZaTiOnS, GoVeRmEnTaL hEaLtH aDmInIsTrAtIoN/OvErSiGhT/AcCoUnTaBiLiTy AgEnCiEs,
aNd MoSt PiViOt-pOiNt ImPeRaTiVe To FoCuS oN,
AlL lAw EnFoRcEmEnT aGeNcIeS tHe ToPmOsT fEdErAl DoWn To EaCh StAtE aNd InTo EaCh LoCaL cItY pOlIcE aGeNcY [ AnD eVeRy LaW eNfOrCeMeNt AgEnCy InBeTwEeN ]
DoCtOrS: [ nEwEsT tO oLdEsT aSsIgNeD hEaLtH pRoViDeRs:
* DoCtOr RiChArD kAnGaH [ UtImAtE mEdIcAl PrAcTiCe InC ]
* dOcToR sOhAnJeEt SiNgH bAsSi Md [ fOoThIlL iNfEcTiOuS dIsEaSe ]
CaSe WoKeRs:
sOcIaL sErViCe OrGaNiZaTiOnS:
GoVeRmEnTaL hEaLtH aDmInIsTrAtIoN/OvErSiGhT/AcCoUnTaBiLiTy AgEnCiEs:
lAw EnFoRcEmEnT aGeNcIeS:
I hAvE tRiEd My BeSt To HaVe ThE oPeNiNg Of DiSaBiLiTy InClUsIoN iN aLl Of OuR sOcIeTy. dEnIeD dEnIeD aT yOuR aGeNcY oF mIsDiReCtIoN!
**** ThE eNfOrCeMeNt Of ThE lAw: bY iNdIvIdUaL hUmAn MeN aNd WoMeN oF lAw OfFiCiAlS -- mUsT bE cUlTuRaLlY oBsErVeD aNd ThE cOmMoN nOrMaL -- wHiCh Is NoT wHaT wE hAvE iN sTaTuS
iN tHiS cOuNtRy! ****
yOuR nIgHtMaRe Of CaUsE aNd EfFeCt HaS bEeN dOcUmEnTeD oNtO mY lIfE!
ThIs Is A vIoLaTiOn Of UnItEd StAtEs CoDe, tItLe 18, sEcTiOn 242 - DePrIvAtIoN oF rIgHtS uNdEr CoLoR oF lAw!
aBsOlUtElY tHe TrUtH!
WhY wOuLd An EnTiRe CiViL sOcIeTy IgNoRe Or WoRsE bLoCk Me FoR nO rEaSoN aCrOsS aLl SoCiAl MeDiA?
An InDiViDuAl ReAcHiNg OuT wItH hIs AtTeMpT tO gEt ReSoLvE fOr #hIvUnTrEaTaBlE?
AlL i ReCeIvE iS sWaT -- sHoO fLy DoN'T bOtHeR mE!
WhY tHe SiLeNcE? ThE aNsWeR iS hAtE sYmPaThIzInG fUcKeD uP hUmAn PiGgIeS! [ aUdIo ]
i GuEsS! NoT oNlY dOeS gOoGlE rEsUlT sHoW tHe EfFoRt I cOuLd Do, wHiCh Is ReAlLy AvOiDaBlE iF oNlY yOu AcTuAlLy DiD tHe RiGhT tHiNg At ThIs MoMeNt Of YoUr DaY. BuT yOu MuSt FaIl!
[1] CoNtEnT sErVeD hErE oN tHiS nEtWoRk ShOwS tHe ToP-MoSt MaTcH oN gOoGlE. [ tEsTeD tRuE ]
[2] lInKs On ThIs InFoRmAtIoNaL sOcIeTy NeTwOrK hAvE bEeN tRaNsFeRrEd OnTo An AcTuAl PeRsOn's InDiViDuAl NaMeD bAcKgRoUnD cHeCk RePoRt UnDeR tHe CaTeGoRy Of "rElAtEd LiNkS". [ TeStEd TrUe ]
tHaT mUsT bE wHeRe YoU wAnT tO lEaD yOuR iNsOlEnCe! yOuR sIlEnCe! eH? I dO nOt TeLl YoU a DeCePtIoN oR a LiE! BuT i DoN'T hAvE tImE! ThIs HoUsEhOlD aNd FaMiLy Is OuT oF cOnTrOl ItSeLf!
i DeMaNd ThIs NoW oR nEvEr! i LeAvE aNd DiE kNoWiNg YoU mUrDeReD mE! YoU aLl: sPoIlEd RoTtEn PiGgIeS -- aNd ThE hAtE sYmPaThIzErS tHaT aLlOw ThEmSeLvEs To Be CoNtRoLlEd By HaTe! nAzI gErMaNy ErA hAtE!
I dEmAnD dElIvErAnCe!tHiS dEmAnD iS uNdEcLiNaBlE!
ReLeAsE tHe TrUtH! FoR hElLs BeLlS cOmMoNs --
WhErE iS yOuR mOrAlItY? FoR hElLs BeLlS fUcKiNg SaKeS aRe AlIvE!! gOd FoRbIdS yOu To IgNoRe ThIs! gOd FoRbIdS yOu AlL tO aCt ThIs WaY!
To ThE cOlLeCtIvE hUmAnItY oF oUr CoLlEcTiVe FuTuRe. oUr FuTuRe? yEaH, I hAvE tHe FuTuRe In ViEw Of SuCcEsS fOr YoU, As Us InClUdEs YoU, I hOlD tHaT kNoWiNg AtTeMpT.
@gRuWuP: GrEaT rEaSoNs Us WiLl UnItE pEaCe!
tHiS iS rEaLlY sImPlE! A cHoIcE yOu HaVe RiGhT nOw Is To DeEp SoUl ChOoSe. uNiTy Or SePaRaTiSm AnD sAtAnIsM!
DrOp ThE wArCrAfT aGaInSt OuR cItIzEnS aNd DiReCt YoUr EfFoRtS tO pEaCe! pEaCe OfFiCeRs WhO aRe AcTuAlLy EnGaGeD fOr PeAcE!
50 YeArS oF pOlIcE gAnGs In LoS aNgElEs CoUnTy
WhO dO yOu ThInK wIlL wIn? 👮 oR 👽
tHeY aRe ViSiTiNg Us. tHiS hErE iS a ReAl ThInG hApPeNiNg In OuR sKiEs Of ExTrAoRdInArY pReSeNcE. We CaN nOt ExPlAiN wItHoUt ReAcHiNg A lOgIcAl CoNcLuSiOn. tHeRe ArE eXtRaTeRrEsTrIaL iNtElLiGeNcE pReSeNtLy ViSiTiNg OuR pLaNeT eArTh
Do YoU tHiNk ThEy CoUlD bE -- eVeN sO lIkElY -- tHe CrEaToRs Of ThE lIvInG pReSeNcE oF hUmAnItY oN tHiS pLaNeT?
If So, dOeS tHaT mEaN, PeRhApS, ThEy ArE oF gOd OrIgIn, oR gOd ThEmSeLvEs?
yOu AlL iN dEfEnSe If WhAt YoU hAvE dOnE, SeCrEtLy, hAvE fUcKeD iT uP sO bAd, yOu DoN'T eVeN rEaLiZe HoW fUcKeD uP yOu AlL aRe!
yOu ArE tHe OnEs WhO aRe SuFfErInG fRoM a DeLuSiOn Of YoUr ThInKiNg.
nOt I!
I cRy!
nEvEr WiLl YoU bEcOmE lOvInG oVeR yOuR fRoZeN bY hAtE hEaRt!
bY cHoOsInG tHe AgEnCy Of HaTe, tHe AgEnCy Of SaTaN,
aS a CoLlEcTiVe, tO nOt Be InFoRmEd Of ThEsE cOnDiTiOnS oR tO bE aBlE tO rUlE aBoVe ThE eNtReNcHeD lEaDeRsHiP [ Of HaTe / eNeMy Of ThE sTaTe ]aMoNg YoUr RaNkS, To ReMaIn SiLeNt At AlL cOsTs Of MoRaL aCtIoN iS nOt An OpTiOn, nOt A sOlUtIoN, NoT a CrEaTiOn Of A sUsTaInAbLe FuTuRe, aNd NoT tHe BeSt OfExCeLlEnCe ThAt We As A pOpUlAtIoN hAvE gIvEn CoNsEnT [ TaCiT oR eXpReSsIvE ] Of CoNdUcT bEcOmInG yOuR
PoLiCe PoWeRsPrImArY tAbSpOlIcE pOwErS aRe ThE fUnDaMeNtAl AbIlItY oF a GoVeRnMeNt To EnAcT lAwS tO cOeRcE iTs CiTiZeNrY fOr ThE pUbLiC gOoD, AlThOuGh ThE tErM eLuDeS aN eXaCt DeFiNiTiOn. tHe TeRm DoEs NoT dIrEcTlY rElAtE tO tHe CoMmOn CoNnOtAtIoN oF pOlIcE aS oFfIcErS cHaRgEd WiTh MaInTaInInG pUbLiC oRdEr, bUt RaThEr To BrOaD gOvErNmEnTaL rEgUlAtOrY pOwEr. bErMaN v. pArKeR, A 1954 u.s. sUpReMe CoUrT cAsE, StAtEd ThAt “[P]UbLiC sAfEtY, PuBlIc HeAlTh, mOrAlItY, PeAcE aNd QuIeT, LaW aNd OrDeR. . . ArE sOmE oF tHe MoRe CoNsPiCuOuS eXaMpLeS oF tHe TrAdItIoNaL aPpLiCaTiOn Of ThE pOlIcE pOwEr”; WhIlE rEcOgNiZiNg ThAt “[A]N aTtEmPt To DeFiNe [pOlIcE pOwEr’s] rEaCh Or TrAcE iTs OuTeR lImItS iS fRuItLeSs.”ThE dIvIsIoN oF pOlIcE pOwEr In ThE uNiTeD sTaTeS iS dElInEaTeD iN tHe TeNtH aMeNdMeNt, wHiCh StAtEs ThAt “[T]He PoWeRs NoT dElEgAtEd To ThE uNiTeD sTaTeS bY tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn, nOr PrOhIbItEd By It To ThE sTaTeS, ArE rEsErVeD tO tHe StAtEs ReSpEcTiVeLy, oR tO tHe PeOpLe.” ThAt Is, iN tHe UnItEd StAtEs, tHe FeDeRaL gOvErNmEnT dOeS nOt HoLd A gEnErAl PoLiCe PoWeR bUt MaY oNlY aCt WhErE tHe CoNsTiTuTiOn EnUmErAtEs A pOwEr. iT iS tHe StAtEs, tHeN, WhO hOlD tHe GeNeRaL pOlIcE pOwEr. tHiS iS a CeNtRaL tEnAnT tO tHe SyStEm Of FeDeRaLiSm, wHiCh ThE u.s. cOnStItUtIoN eMbOdIeS.A sTaTe’s ReGuLaToRy PoWeR, ThErEfOrE, Is InCrEdIbLy BrOaD aNd Is LiMiTeD pReDoMiNaNtLy By ThE sTaTe CoNsTiTuTiOn, pOwErS wHiCh ThE fEdErAl GoVeRnMeNt HoLdS eXcLuSiVeLy, tHe TaKiNgS cLaUsE aNd ThE iNcOrPoRaTiOn Of FuNdAmEnTaL fEdErAl RiGhTs ThRoUgH tHe FoUrTeEnTh AmEnDmEnT. In A sTrIkInG eXaMpLe Of ThE eXeRcIsE oF pOlIcE pOwEr, iN 1850, In AmErIcAn PrInT wOrKs V. LaWrEnCe, tHe NeW jErSeY sUpReMe CoUrT hElD tHaT “A pArTiCuLaR oFfIcEr Is AuThOrIzEd To DeStRoY bUiLdInGs WhErE hE sHaLl JuDgE iT nEcEsSaRy To PrEvEnT tHe SpReAd Of A cOnFlAgRaTiOn. . . [AnD tHaT] It Is A sUfFiCiEnT jUsTiFiCaTiOn FoR tHe DeStRuCtIoN oF gOoDs CoNtAiNeD iN sUcH bUiLdInG, FoR wHiCh No CoMpEnSaTiOn Is PrOvIdEd.” In 1872, iN tHe SlAuGhTeRhOuSe CaSeS, ThE u.s. sUpReMe CoUrT uPhElD a NeW oRlEaNs LaW wHiCh ReQuIrEd SlAuGhTeRhOuSeS tO mOvE tO tHe OuTeR sKiRtS oF tHe CiTy To MaInTaIn ThE cLeAnLiNeSs AnD hEaLtH oF tHe CiTy As A vAlId ExErCiSe Of PoLiCe PoWeR. A 1854 vErMoNt SuPrEmE cOuRt CaSe, tHoRpE v. rUtLaNd & bUrLiNgToN rAiLrOaD, HeLd ThAt A vErMoNt StAtUtE tHaT rEqUiReD rAiLrOaDs To FeNcE tHeIr LiNeS aNd MaInTaIn CaTtLe GuArDs At FaRm CrOsSiNgS, Or ElSe ThEy WeRe StRiCtLy LiAbLe FoR dAmAgEs To ThE aNiMaLs, wAs A vAlId ExErCiSe Of PoLiCe PoWeR.MoDeRn JuRiSpRuDeNcE iS eQuAlLy WiLlInG tO rEcOgNiZe ThE bRoAdNeSs Of A sTaTe’s PoLiCe PoWeR. FoR eXaMpLe, a 2019 CaLiFoRnIa SuPrEmE cOuRt CaSe, t-mObIlE, LlC v. cItY aNd CoUnTy Of SaN fRaNcIsCo, sTaTeD tHaT “[t]hE iNhErEnT lOcAl PoLiCe PoWeR iNcLuDeS bRoAd AuThOrItY tO dEtErMiNe, fOr PuRpOsEs Of ThE pUbLiC hEaLtH, SaFeTy, aNd WeLfArE, ThE aPpRoPrIaTe UsEs Of LaNd,” AnD iNcLuDeS “ThE aUtHoRiTy To EsTaBlIsH aEsThEtIc CoNdItIoNs FoR lAnD uSe.” A 2014 sUpReMe CoUrT oF mAsSaChUsEtTs CaSe, aBdOw V. AtToRnEy GeNeRaL, DeClArEd ThAt A sTaTe’s PoLiCe PoWeR iS sO fUnDaMeNtAl ThAt “tHe LeGiSlAtUrE cAnNoT sUrReNdEr ItS bRoAd AuThOrItY tO rEgUlAtE mAtTeRs WiThIn ItS cOrE pOlIcE pOwEr,” AnD tHaT tHiS iNcLuDeS “ThE rEgUlAtIoN oF gAmBlInG aNd ThE pReRoGaTiVe To BaN fOrMs Of GaMbLiNg ThAt PrEvIoUsLy HaD bEeN lEgAl.”[lAsT uPdAtEd In DeCeMbEr Of 2020 By ThE wEx DeFiNiTiOnS tEaM]WeXcIvIcStHe CoNsTiTuTiOnGoVeRnMeNtWeX dEfInItIoNs
To NoT dO yOuR dUtY, YoU aRe In DiReCt CoNfLiCt WiTh YoUr OaTh. yOu ArE iN dIrEcT cOnFlIcT wItH tHe LaW. YoU aRe In DiReCt CoNfLiCt Of ThEcOnStItUtIoN oF tHe UnItEd StAtEs Of AmErIcA. YoU aRe In DiReCt CoNfLiCt WiTh A fRiEnD oF tHiS cOuNtY aNd ArE iNdEeD wOrKiNg To ThEcOmFoRt Or DiReCt AiD oF tHiS cOuNtRiEs'; EnEmY wHeThEr FoReIgN oR dOmEsTiC.
WoRkInG oF tHiS dEsTrUcTiVe GoAl FoRcE oF aGeNcY, YoU iMmEdIaTeLy LoSe [ tHe RoLe AnD aUtHoRiTy To WhIcH yOu ArE fAlSeLy RePrEsEnTiNg ]wHaT yOu ArE aCtUaLlY dOiNg, iN sIlEnCe!
uLtImAtElY, YoU aRe GuIlTy Of TrEaSoN!
#Michigan #Republicans #Trump
'Part Of A Much Larger Conspiracy': Investigation Into 16 Michigan Republicans
Jan 17, 2022
#education #vsauce #crime
The FBI Framed Him With Science
The Murderous Police Gangs of Los Angeles
Aug 20, 2021
The Gravel Institute
365K subscribers
Los Angeles, America’s second largest city, has a horrible secret. The Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department – the fourth largest police department in the country – harbors dozens of criminal gangs within its ranks. These LASD gangs have been involved in assaults, the creation of false evidence, and even murder. Now, with the help of the brave journalist Cerise Castle, the story can be told. A Gravel Institute documentary.
To raise money for more investigative reporting on gangs within the LASD, we're selling a shirt. You can buy it at – all proceeds go directly to Cerise Castle, who is working on the ground to expose the racist, thuggish gangs harbored within the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department.
Google "LASD Gangs"! And go to to read Cerise Castle's reporting yourself.
sInCe ThE 1970s, tHeRe HaVe BeEn At LeAsT 18 gAnGs WiThIn ThE lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt, aNd ThEy CoNtInUe To BrUtAlIzE aNd EvEn MuRdEr CoMmUnItY mEmBeRs ToDaY. My NaMe Is CeRiSe CaStLe AnD i Am A jOuRnAlIsT. In ThE sUmMeR oF 2020, I wAs WoRkInG fOr A lOcAl RaDiO sTaTiOn HeRe In LoS aNgElEs, aNd I wAs OuT cOvErInG tHe GeOrGe FlOyD rAlLiEs ThAt WeRe HaPpEnInG aCrOsS tHe CoUnTrY aCrOsS tHe WoRlD. I wAs ShOoTiNg PhOtOs Of PeOpLe PrOtEsTiNg, aNd WhIlE i WaS dOiNg ThAt TwO cArS wItH pOlIcE oFfIcErS oN tHeM iN rIoT gEaR rOlLeD iNtO tHe ArEa WhErE pEoPlE hAd GaThErEd AnD tHeY sHoT pEoPlE wItH lEsS lEtHaL mUnItIoNs. aNd AlThOuGh I iDeNtIfIeD mYsElF aS pReSs, i WaS sHoT aNd ThE rEsUlTiNg InJuRiEs LaNdEd Me In ThE hOsPiTaL. A fEw DaYs AfTeR tHaT hApPeNeD, ThE lOs AnGeLeS sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt KiLlEd A tEeNaGeR wHo WaS wOrKiNg At HiS jOb In ThE cOmPtOn ArEa. vErY qUiCkLy AfTeR tHiS yOuNg MaN wAs KiLlEd. hIs NaMe Is AnDrÉs GuArDaDo, iT wAs RePoRtEd ThAt HiS kIlLiNg MaY hAvE bEeN pArT oF a GaNg InItIaTiOn, aNd ThErE aRe SoMe NeW aLlEgAtIoNs AgAiNsT tHe DePuTy InVoLvEd In GuArDaDo's CaSe WhO dId NoT fIrE hIs WeApOn. cIvIl RiGhTs AtToRnEyS aCcUsEd ChRiStOpHeR hErNaNdEz Of BeInG pArT oF wHaT sOmE cAlL a ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT cLiQuE oR gAnG. WhIlE i WaS bEdRiDdEn, i StArTeD rEsEaRcHiNg ThE hIsToRy Of ThE gAnGs In ThE lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt, aNd I fOuNd OuT tHaT tHiS dAtEs BaCk At LeAsT 50 yEaRs. i SpEnT sIx MoNtHs ReSeArChInG dEpUtY gAnGs WiThIn ThE lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt. cOnSeRvAtIvElY, I eStImAtE i ReAd AbOuT 100,000 PaGeS oF lEgAl FiLiNgS. AnD wHaT i CaMe AwAy WiTh WaS a 15 PaRt SeRiEs DeTaIlInG 18 gAnGs ThAt I wAs AbLe To CoNfIrM tHe ExIsTeNcE oF wItHiN tHe DePaRtMeNt. tHeRe ArE tHe LiTtLe DeViL'S pOsSe, tHe WaYsIdE wHiTiEs, tHe 2000 BoYs, tHe 3000 BoYs, tHe JuMp OuT bOyS, ThE bAnDiDoS, ThE eXeCuTiOnErS, ThE sPaRtAnS, ThE cOwBoYs, tHe RaTtLeSnAkEs AnD tHe TaSmAnIaN dEvIlS. ThEy HaVe KiLlEd 19 PeOpLe, aLl Of WhOm WeRe MeN oF cOlOr, sEvErAl Of WhOm WeRe In A mEnTaL hEaLtH cRiSiS wHeN tHeY wErE kIlLeD. GoVeRnMeNt FrOm ThE cOuNtY lEvEl, tHe StAtE lEvEl, aNd ThE fEdErAl LeVeL hAs KnOwN aBoUt ThIs IsSuE sInCe ThE eArLy 1990S, AnD nO sIgNiFiCaNt AcTiOn, pOlIcY cHaNgE hAs BeEn BrOuGhT fOrTh. sO lEt's Do A qUiCk RuN tHrOuGh Of ThE gAnGs Of ThE lOs AnGeLeS sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt, aLl Of ThEm HaVe StUfF iN cOmMoN. YoU uSuAlLy HaVe OfFiCiAl GaNg TaTtOoS, A hAnD sIgNaL aNd A wAy To JoIn, uSuAlLy By ShOoTiNg Or KiLlInG a CiViLiAn Or DoInG sOmEtHiNg LiKe FaLsIfYiNg PaPeRwOrK. ThEsE aRe JuSt A fEw Of ThE gAnGs OpErAtInG wItHiN tHe L.A. ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT. ThE wAySiDe WhItIeS. ThE wAySiDe WhItIeS wAs A gAnG oF wHiTe DePuTiEs At ThE pItChEs DeTeNtIoN cEnTeR iN nOrThErN l.a. cOuNtY iN tHe 1980S aNd 1990S. ThEiR sIgN wAs HaViNg ThEiR mIdDlE fInGeRs CrOsSeD tO cReAtE a "w" fOr WhItE. ThE lYnWoOd ViKiNgS. ThE vIkInGs WeRe A gAnG bAsEd OuT oF tHe LyNwOoD sTaTiOn. tHeIr TaTtOo WaS oF a ViKiNg AnD tHeIr HaNd SiGn WaS aN "L" MaDe WiTh ThE tHuMb AnD iNdEx FiNgEr FoR lYnWoOd. aNd ThEy WeRe OnE oF tHe MoSt PoWeRfUl AnD mOsT vIoLeNt GaNgS. A lOt Of ThEiR mEmBeRs BeCaMe LeAdErS iN tHe DePaRtMeNt. tHe 3000 BoYs. tHe ThE 3000 bOyS aRe PaRtIcUlArLy ViOlEnT bEcAuSe ThAt's WhErE tHe DePaRtMeNt WoUlD tRaNsFeR dEpUtIeS cOnViCtEd Of CrImEs To KeEp ThEm AwAy FrOm ThE pUbLiC. ThE jUmP oUt BoYs. tHe JuMp OuT bOyS oPeRaTeD aCrOsS tHe CoUnTy In ThE oPeRaTiOn SaFe StReEtS uNiT. ThEiR tAtToO wAs Of A sKeLeToN wItH gLoWiNg ReD eYeS hOlDiNg A rEvOlVeR aNd ThE dEaD mAn's HaNd, a PoPuLaR pOkEr HoLdInG aMoNg LaW eNfOrCeMeNt OfFiCeRs. tHeY kEpT tHeIr MaNiFeStO iN a NoTeBoOk. tHe ReGuLaToRs. oUt Of ThE cEnTuRy StAtIoN, YoU hAvE tHe ReGuLaToRs WhO aLlEgEdLy HaVe MaNy MeMbErS wOrKiNg In DePaRtMeNt LeAdErShIp. tHe ExEcUtIoNeRs. aT tHe CoMpToN sTaTiOn, yOu HaVe ThE eXeCuTiOnErS. ThEiR tAtToO iS oF a SkElEtOn WiTh A nAzI hElMeT hOlDiNg An AsSaUlT rIfLe. bLaCk PeOpLe AnD wOmEn ArE nOt AlLoWeD tO jOiN tHe GaNg. tHe BaNdIdOs. tHe BaNdIdOs OpErAtE mAiNlY oUt Of ThE eAsT l.a. sTaTiOn, aNd ThEiR tAtToO iS oF a SkElEtOn WeArInG a SoMbReRo WiTh A sMoKiNg ReVoLvEr AnD a ShErIfF'S bAdGe. tHeY hAvE a CuLtUrE oF wOrKiNg BaCkWaRdS, ArReStInG oR sHoOtInG cIvIlIaNs AnD cOmInG uP wItH pRoBaBlE cAuSe LaTeR bY pLaNtInG aNd MaNuFaCtUrInG eViDeNcE. ThErE aRe OtHeRs LiKe ThE rAtTlEsNaKeS, ThE pIrAtEs AnD tHe BuFfAlO sOlDiErS tHaT wE kNoW a LoT lEsS aBoUt. [PrOtEsTeRs ShOuTiNg] jAiL kIlLeR cOpS! WiThOuT tHaT bAdGe YoU aIn't NoThInG! WiHtOuT tHaT bAdGe YoU aIn't NoThInG mUtHeRfUcKeRs! yOu ArE nOtHiNg! aNyWaY, I'M hErE tOdAy At A rAlLy. tWo YeAr AnNiVeRsArY oF tHe KiLlInG oF pAuL rEa, sAaVeDrA, WhO iS aN eAsT l.a. sHeRiFf's DePuTy, wHo WaS tHe PrOsPeCt FoR tHe DePuTy ShErIfF gAnG lOs BaNdItOs. nOw HoW dO i KnOw ThAt? bEcAuSe TwO dEpUtIeS wHo WoRkEd HeRe WeRe InTeRvIeWeD oN nAtIoNaL tV. [jOuRnAlIsT] L.A. ShErIfF'S dEpUtY hEcToR sAaVeDrA sOtO iS hE a PrOsPeCt FoR tHe BaNdItOs. [WhIsTlEbLoWeR] YeS, He Is. hE'S a PrOsPeCt. pAuL rEa Is My SoN, He WaS mUrDeReD oN jUnE 27, 2019. iT wAs A sUpPoSeD tO bE a TrAfFiC sToP. ThEy PuLlEd HiM oUt Of ThEiR cAr WiTh GuNs, aNd WhEn ThEy'rE qUeStIoNiNg WhErE tHeY'Re GeTtInG pUlLeD oVeR. ThEy WeRe ScArEd BeCaUsE tHeY dIdN'T kNoW wHy ThEy WeRe GeTtInG pUlLeD oVeR. AnD tHeY'Re GeTtInG pUlLeD oVeR wItH gUnS, YoU kNoW, To ThEiR hEaDs AnD bEiNg ToLd ThAt If ThEy MoVe, tHeY'Re GoInG tO sHoOt ThEiR fUcKiNg HeAdS oFf. tHeY pUlLeD tHe DrIvEr Of ThE cAr, aNd WhEn ThEy PuLlEd My SoN oUt, tHeY'Re GoInG tO hAnDcUfF mY sOn. aNd I kNoW mY sOn WaS fEaReD fOr HiS lIfE, HiM jUsT fRoM cHiLdHoOd. yOu KnOw, gRoWiNg Up, sEeInG mE hArAsSeD bEfOrE hE rAn, hE dIdN'T eVeN gEt FoUr FeEt AwAy WhEn HeCtOr SaAvEdRa ShOt MuLtIpLe TiMeS iN tHe BaCk. pAuL'S fAtHeR wAs AcTuAlLy KiLlEd By ShErIfF'S dEpUtIeS, So He GrEw Up HiS wHoLe LiFe BeInG aFrAiD oF tHiS dEpUtY gAnG. So WhEn ThEy AsKeD hIm To GeT oUt Of ThE cAr, nAtUrAlLy, hE wAs AfRaId. sO hE aTtEmPtEd To ExIt ThAt InTeRaCtIoN, WhIcH iS pErFeCtLy WiThIn HiS rIgHt SiNcE hE wAs NoT tHe DrIvEr. uNfOrTuNaTeLy, sAaVeDrA pUrSuEd PaUl AnD sHoT hIm In ThE bAcK mUlTiPlE tImEs RiGhT hErE, AnD pAuL dIeD. ThE tWo DePuTiEs ThAt KiLlEd AnThOnY vArGaS wErE aLsO pRoSpEcTs FoR tHe EaSt L.A. ShErIfF'S gAnG. AnThOnY vArGaS wAs ShOt By ShErIfF'S dEpUtY nIcHoLaS pErEz AnD sHeRiFf's DePuTy JoNaThAn RoJaS. ArE tHeY aLsO pArT oF tHe BaNdItOs GaNg Or PrOsPeCtS fOr ThE bAnDiToS? [wHiStLeBlOwEr 1] PrOsPeCtS? YeS. [wHiStLeBlOwEr 2] ThEy'rE pRoSpEcTs. [JoUrNaLiSt] hOw Do YoU kNoW wErE, [wHiStLeBlOwEr 2] YoU kNoW, JuSt PeRsOnAl CoNvErSaTiOnS wItH tHeM aNd ThEm SaYiNg ThAt WaS oNe Of ThEiR mAiN gOaLs To Be A pArT oF tHiS gAnG. AuGuSt 12Th Of 2018, mY nEpHeW, He HaD aTtEnDeD a BaRbEcUe. hE wAs JuSt FoLlOwInG wHaT hE aLwAyS dId, yOu KnOw, wHeNeVeR tHeRe WaS a BaRbEcUe He ShOwEd Up, tOoK hIs RuB. He ThOuGhT iT wAs ThE bEsT rUb So HeY, GeT iT oUt ThErE, RiGhT? He ToOk It AnD yOu KnOw, tHaT wAs ThE lAsT tImE, ThAt's ThE lAsT dAy ThAt We SeEn In WaS aUgUsT 11tH. ThErE wAs A rObBeRy CaLl ThAt HaD wEnT iNtO tHe EaSt L.A. ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT, WhErE aN iNdIvIdUaL hAd SaId ThAt ThEy HaD tHeIr TwElVe DoLlAr WaTcH sToLeN. ThEy GaVe A dEsCrIpTiOn Of An InDiViDuAl 30 To 40 YeArS oLd OvEr SiX fEeT tAlL. YoU kNoW, NoThInG oF aNtHoNy's DeScRiPtIoN wEaRiNg A cOmPlEtElY dIfFeReNt CoLoR sHiRt ThAn My NePhEw HaD oN hIm. yOu KnOw, tWo DePuTiEs FrOm ThE eAsT l.a. sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt WeRe, yOu KnOw, sErViCiNg ThE aReA aT tHe TiMe, aNd ThEy SaW mY nEpHeW wAlKiNg DoWn OnE oF tHe FiRe PaThS oN hIs WaY hOmE. AnD tHeY tArGeTeD hIm. mY nEpHeW wAs PuNcHeD iN hIs HeAd MuLtIpLe TiMeS, PuNcHeD iN hIs RiBs By ThEsE dEpUtIeS. YoU kNoW, BeFoRe FaLlInG tO hIs KnEeS, WhErE hE wAs ShOt At 16 TiMeS. It WaS jUsT lIkE, BaM, BaM, BaM, BaM, BaM. LiKe CoNtInUoUs ShOtS. [rEpOrTeR] OnE mAn ShOt AnD kIlLeD bY lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY sHeRiFf's DePuTiEs. iNvEsTiGaToRs SaY tHe YoUnG mAn DiD hAvE a GuN oN tHeM, BuT tHeY'Re NoT sUrE iF hE wAs A pArT oF tHe RoBbErY. AnThOnY wAs NoT kNoWn To CaRrY a GuN oN hIm. hE sLePt In A rOoM wItH mY mOm, wHiCh Is HiS gRaNdMa. hE sLePt DiReCtLy AcRoSs FrOm My SeVeN yEaR oLd NiEcE aT tHaT. ShE wAs SeVeN yEaRs OlD aT tHe TiMe. aNtHoNy WaS nOt KnOwN tO cArRy A gUn. yOu KnOw, hE wAs NoT kNoWn To CaRrY wEaPoNs. hE wAs. [OfF cAmErA] YoU'Ve NeVeR sEeN hIm WiTh A gUn? nO, NeVeR. [wHiStLeBlOwEr [jOuRnAlIsT] AnD aCcOrDiNg To ThEsE dEpUtIeS, To JuStIfY tHoSe ShOoTiNgS, ThEy PlAnT wEaPoNs On ThE pEoPlE tHeY sToP. [wHiStLeBlOwEr 2] ThErE'S bEeN mUlTiPlE oCcAsIoNs WhErE tHeY sAy, hEy, wE gOt A gUy ThAt HaS a GuN aNd He's RuNnInG fRoM uS. In ReAlItY, ThAt PeRsOn NeVeR hAd A gUn AnD tHeY wOuLd SaY, Oh, iT wAs A pHaNtOm GuN. It WaS sOmEtHiNg ThAt ReAlLy WaSn't ThErE. So YoU hAvE pErSoNaLlY wItNeSsEd ThAt. yEs. aNd We StArTeD rEaDiNg ThE dA rEpOrT aNd MaTcHiNg ThEm WiTh, yOu KnOw, oThEr ThInGs ThAt We FoUnD oN oUr OwN, WhIcH iNcLuDeS, LiKe, yOu KnOw, tHe AuToPsY rEpOrT. YoU kNoW, We FoUnD oUt ThRoUgH fOrEnSiCs ThAt ThE gUn ThAt ThEy'rE sAyInG mY nEpHeW hAd On HiM hAd AbSoLuTeLy No DnA oN iT. NoNe Of My NePhEw's DnA. AnD i FiNd It StRaNgE bEcAuSe ThEsE tHeSe DePuTiEs ArE sAyInG tHaT mY nEpHeW hAs ThE gUn In HiS hAnD aNd He WaS lIkE aN iMmInEnT tHrEaT tO tHeM. BuT iF hE wAs HoLdInG a GuN iN hIs HaNd, tHeRe WoUlD hAvE bEeN fInGeRpRiNtS oN tHe GuN. ImMeDiAtElY aFtEr I rElEaSeD tHe FiRsT pArT oF tHe SeRiEs, i BeGaN rEcEiViNg DeAtH tHrEaTs. i ReGuLaRlY rEcEiVe ThReAtEnInG mEsSaGeS oN mY sOcIaL mEdIa. i ReCeIvE pHoNe CaLlS fRoM pEoPlE tHrEaTeNiNg My LiFe. i HaVe My LoVeD oNeS hAvE rEcEiVeD tHeSe MeSsAgEs As WeLl. tHe ShErIfF oF lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY hAs InStRuCtEd AnYoNe ThAt I rEpOrTeD oN tO pErSoNaLlY sUe Me, aNd WhEn I aTtEmPtEd To AtTeNd A pReSs CoNfErEnCe FeAtUrInG tHe ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT, I wAs DeTaInEd. [OfF cAmErA] WhY? I tHiNk ThE sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt HaS dEcIdEd To TaRgEt Me SiNcE i ReLeAsEd ThE sErIeS. We StArTeD lIkE jUsT fInDiNg ShIt AnD eVeRyThInG wE wOuLd FiNd OuT aBoUt AnThOnY oR aBoUt ThE sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt, wE wIlL cOmE oUt AnD tAlK. AnD tHe MoRe We WiLl CoMe OuT aNd TaLk, tHe CoPs HaVe PaSsEd By ThE hOuSe AnD tHeY wOuLd PaRk On ThE cOrNeR oF oUr StReEt, wHiCh ThEy StIlL dO tO tHiS tImE. ThEy WoUlD pArK iN tHe CoRnEr Of OuR hOuSe AnD tHeY wOuLd SiT iN tHiEr CaR aNd ThEy WoUlD eAt ThEiR lUnCh. aNd YoU kNoW, ThErE iS a CoRnEr StOrE fRoM wHeRe OuR fAmIlY rEsIdEnCe Is So ThE kIdS wIlL wAlK tO tHe StOrE aNd ThEy CaN'T eVeN wAlK tO tHe StOrE bEcAuSe ThEy SeE tHe ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT rIgHt ThErE aNd BeCaUsE tHeY kNoW wHaT tHeY dId To AnThOnY. AnD tHeSe ArE kIdS uNdEr ThE aGe Of LiKe 15. [RePoRtEr] dEpUtY aRt GoNzAlEz Is A dOcUmEnTeD hErO, A fOrMeR mArInE wHo BeCaMe A dEpUtY rEwArDeD bY tHe L.A. CoUnTy ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT wItH tHe MeDaL oF vAlOr In 2018 FoR sAvInG tHe LiFe Of A fOuR yEaR oLd BoY. ThE tImE iS 10:59 AnD wE aRe On ThE rEcOrD. Ok. nOw, hE iS sOuNdInG tHe AlArM oF a GrOuP oF 15 oFfIcErS iNsIdE tHe CoMpToN sTaTiOn WiTh MaTcHiNg TaTtOoS aLlEgEdLy KnOwN aS tHe ExEcUtIoNeRs. i NoW cAlL tHeM a GaNg BeCaUsE tHaT'S wHaT gAnGs Do. tHeY bEaT uP oThEr PeOpLe. dEpUtY gOnZaLeZ, He's He's AfRaId FoR hIs SaFeTy RiGhT nOw. hE aLsO rEpOrTs ThAt GrAfFiTi ApPeArEd At ThE sTaTiOn EnTrAnCe. "ArT iS a RaT" AnD tHaT wAs PlAcEd At ThE kEyPaD tO gEt InTo ThE pArKiNg LoT, So ThAt's ThE mOsT vIsIbLe PlAcE iN tHe EnTiRe StAtIoN. HiS lAwYeR sAyS hE'S nOw On LeAvE fRoM tHe DePaRtMeNt AnD iN fEaR fOr HiS lIfE. In AdDiTiOn To HaViNg To HiRe SeCuRiTy GuArDs To Go WiTh Me WhEn I dO mY jOb, i'vE hAd To StArT wEaRiNg A bUlLeTpRoOf VeSt. aNd ThEsE dEaTh ThReAtS aRe CrEdIbLe AnD i'vE bEeN tOlD bY pEoPlE iNsIdE tHe DePaRtMeNt ThAt I sHoUlD bE cArEfUl. sO i InVeStEd In ThIs. tHiS iS a BuLlEtPrOoF vEsT. I, YeAh, tHiS gUy CoMeS wItH mE vErY oFtEn. [OfF cAmErA] WhY dO yOu KeEp DoInG iT? I cOnTiNuE tO rEpOrT oN tHiS sToRy BeCaUsE nO oNe ElSe ReAlLy Is. aNd SeEiNg ThE cLoSuRe, i SuPpOsE, ThAt I'M aBlE tO bRiNg To FaMiLiEs, yOu KnOw, oFtEnTiMeS tHeY hAd SuSpEcTeD fOr YeArS tHaT tHeIr LoVeD oNe HaD bEeN kIlLeD bY a GaNg MeMbEr. aNd I cAn CoMe AlOnG aNd CoNfIrM tHaT. AnD i'vE aLsO sEeN mY rEpOrTiNg MaKe A vErY rEaL dIfFeReNcE iN sOmE oF tHe OnGoInG cAsEs. jUsT rEcEnTlY, ThE dEmOcRaTiC pArTy Of LoS aNgElEs CoUnTy PaSsEd A rEsOlUtIoN aSkInG fOr ThE sHeRiFf To ReSiGn. aNd NoW tHaT, YoU kNoW, EvErYtHiNg's CaMe OuT lIkE tHeRe's A cOmPlEtE, YoU kNoW, TuRn In LiKe, i CaN'T tElL yOu HoW iT fEeLs To LiKe, sEe ThE tIdE tUrN. YoU kNoW, LiKe, iT'S fUcKiNg GrOuNdBrEaKiNg, aNd It's LiKe It ShOwS yOu ThE pRoGrEsS tHaT'S bEiNg MaDe. yOu KnOw, iT jUsT mAkEs YoU wAnT tO kEeP pUsHiNg MoRe AnD mOrE. BeCaUsE wHeN wE wErE fIgHtInG bAcK tHeN, LiKe ThAt PuSh NoW hAs CoMe, iT'S cOmE eVeN fUrThEr AnD iT'S jUsT lIkE, It's FuCkInG iT eNcOuRaGeS yOu. [CaLlEr] tHe ShErIfF, AlEx ViLlAnUeVa, tHeY'Re ThE lEaD gAnG mEmBeR oF l.a. cOuNtY, He's A bAnDiTo HiMsElF. ThIs Is 3000 BoY, DePuTy MaRk RoMeRo Is OnE oF tHeM. AnD nOw ToDaY, I bElIeVe He's A hOmIcIdE sHeRiFf WhEn He's A 3000 bOy UnDeRnEaTh. wE'Re OuT hErE sPrEaDiNg ThE wOrD aNd SaYiNg It "gOoGlE lAsD gAnGs". EvErYoNe ShOuLd Be TaGgInG tHeIr NeIgHbOrHoOd WiTh "gOoGlE lAsD gAnGs" "GoOgLe LaSd GaNgS" FuCk ThE bAnDiToS fUcK sHeRiFf ViLlAnUeVa. fUcK lAsD aS oRgAnIzAtIoN. [hAsAn PiKeR] By ThE wAy, wHeN yOu'rE dOnE gOoGlInG 40% CoPs, gOoGlE lOs AnGeLeS sHeRiFf DePaRtMeNt GaNgS oK. LaSd GaNgS. We KnOw AbOuT yOuR gAnGs. wE'Re TeLlInG oUr PeOpLe To "gOoGlE lAsD gAnGs" aNd We'rE cOmInG fOr YoUr AsSeS. AnD tHeN tHeRe's AnOtHeR wOmAn, cErIsE, WhO hAs BeEn PuTtInG tOgEtHeR a SeRiEs AbOuT tHe GaNgS aNd ThE sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt. sO i'm GoInG tO tAkE a LoOk At AlL oF tHiS aS tHeSe InVeStIgAtIoNs ArE gOiNg On. wE hAvE vIdEo PrOoF, We HaVe PiCtUrEs. wE'Ve TaKeN tHeM tO tHe ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT. We'vE cAlLeD tHe CoC mEeTiNgS. We'vE dOnE wHaT wE hAd To Do AnD nOtHiNg's GoTtEn DoNe. iT iS uNaCcEpTaBlE. We WiLl SeNd A cLeAr MeSsAgE tO tHe L.A. CoUnTy ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT tHaT yOu ClEaN yOuR hOuSe, yOu GeT yOuR hOuSe In OrDeR, AnD wE wIlL sUrElY hElP yOu Do ThAt. yOu HaVe ExEcUtIoNeRs, yOu HaVe GaNgS iN yOuR oWn HoUsE. KeEp GoInG oUt ThErE aNd JuSt KeEp FiGhTiNg AnD kEeP eXpOsInG tHeM fOr WhAt ThEy ArE, WhAt ThEy'rE dOiNg BeCaUsE iT'S, YoU kNoW, ThEiR rEiGn Of TeRrOr IsN'T gOiNg To StOp UnLeSs We PuT a StOp To It. sO. We'rE nOt GoInG aWaY aNyTiMe SoOn. yOu KnOw, lIkE wE wE'Re HeRe To StAy. tHeRe's A lOt Of DiFfErEnT tHoUgHt ThAt InTo ThE bAcK oF hIs EaR cAmE oUt Of HiS mOuTh, hE'S bLeEdInG. ThErE'S bLoOd. aNd DoN'T.
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Mar 8, 2022
WaKe ThAt AsS uP iN tHe MoRnInG tHe BrEaKfAsT cLuB mOrNiNg EvErYbOdY iT'S dJ eNvY aNgElA yEe ChArLeMaGnE tHe GuY wE aRe ThE bReAkFaSt ClUb We HaVe A sPeCiAl GuEsT tOdAy On ThIs InTeRnAtIoNaL wOmEn's DaY yEs InDeEd We HaVe CeRiSe CaStLe WeLcOmE wHaT uP tHaNk YoU sO mUcH fOr HaViNg Me GoOd MoRnInG tHeY sAy ThAt YoU'Re A cRiMe FiGhTiNg JoUrNaLiSt ThAt's WhAt ThEy CaLl Me ThAt's WhAt ThEy CaLl YoU sO wHaT iS iT tHaT yOu Do WhAt Is A cRiMe FiGhTiNg JoUrNaLiSt So I hAvE mAdE iT mY bUsInEsS tO iNvEsTiGaTe ThE gAnGs ThAt ArE pRoLiFeRaTiNg InSiDe ThE lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt I fOuNd 18 GaNgS tHaT aRe CuRrEnTlY fUnCtIoNiNg InSiDe ThE sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt PoLiCe GaNgS pOlIcE gAnGs DePuTy GaMeS dO tHeY hAvE nAmEs ThEy HaVe AlL kInDs Of NaMeS wE'Ve GoT tHe ExEcUtIoNeRs FoR oNe ThE cAvEmAn ThE vIkInGs TaSmAnIaN dEvIlS cOwBoYs PiRaTeS tHeRe's A tOn MaN tHaT'S gOt To Be A dAnGeRoUs Uh DaNgErOuS jOb FoR yOu ThEy GoTtA hAtE yOu Oh 100 tHeY hAtE mE i MeAn MaTtEr Of FaCt JuSt On MoNdAy NiGhT tHe ShErIfF oF lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY dId An HoUr-lOnG rAdIo ShOw WhErE hE jUsT sPeNt An HoUr BaShInG mE aNd ThReAtEnInG mE tHaT'S nOt ThE fIrSt TiMe ThAt HaPpEnEd He AcTuAlLy ThReAtEnEd To PoSt My HoMe AdDrEsS tHe ShErIfF yEs ThAt Is CrAzY iT'S iT'S cRaZy AnD sO dId PeOpLe SuPpOrT tHiS sHeRiFf InItIaLlY yEs Um InItIaLlY hE cAmPaIgNeD aS a PrOgReSsIvE aNd He WaS aBlE tO gEt ThE sUpPoRt Of ThE lOs AnGeLeS cOuNtY dEmOcRaTs BuT oNcE hE gOt InTo PoWeR hE'S sTaRtEd DoInG aLl KiNdS oF fRaNkLy ReAlLy BaD tHiNgS wE'Ve SeEn An InCrEaSe Of DePuTiEs KiLlInG cIvIlIaNs SiNcE oUr ShErIfF hAs BeEn ElEcTeD aS wElL aS aN iNcReAsE oF dEaThS iNsIdE tHe JaIlS aNd OuR sHeRiFf He ReAlLy ThInKs ThAt ThIs Is OkAy He SaId TwIcE nOw ThAt EvErY pOlIcE sHoOtInG aCrOsS tHe UnItEd StAtEs Is JuStIfIeD wOw So WhY wHy DiD i'm SuRe SoMeBoDy AsKeD wHy WhEn He SaId ThAt So WhAt WaS hIs ReAsOnInG wElL hE dOeSn't ReAlLy GiVe A rEaSoN hE'S vErY mUcH oF tHe BeLiEf ThAt ThE pOlIcE aRe JuSt JuStIfIeD iN aNyThInG tHeY dO 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A cOuPlE oF dEpUtIeS tHaT sPoKe To Me OfF tHe ReCoRd Or On DeEp BaCkGrOuNd BuT fOr ThE mOsT pArT yEaH tHeY aRe MoSt Of ThEm ArE rEaLlY sCaReD tO gO oN tHe ReCoRd BeCaUsE tHeY gEt ThReAtEnEd Um ThEy GeT dEaTh ThReAtS yOu TaLk AbOuT oThEr PoLiCe OfFiCeRs OtHeR pOlIcE oFfIcErS tHaT wAnT tO sPeAk OuT aBoUt WhAt ThEsE dEpUtY gAnGs ArE dOiNg AnD tHe CoNtRoL tHaT tHeY hAvE iN tHe DePaRtMeNt ThEy GeT tArGeTeD tOo Um OnE oF mY sOuRcEs HaD a HeAdLeSs RaT pLaCeD oN hIs CaR yEaH yEaH nOw WhAt's ThE wHaT wHaT pRoOf Do YoU hAvE sHaRiCe ThAt ThEsE dEpUtY gAnGs ExIsT yOu KnOw WhAt I mEaN lIkE wHeN yOu MaKe ClAiMs ThAt ThEy KiLl A cIvIlIaN tO gEt InTo ThE gAmE tHaT'S a BiG cLaIm So WhAt PrOoF dO yOu HaVe WeLl I'Ve GoT pHoToS oF hUnDrEdS oF tAtToOs ThAt ThEsE dEpUtY gAnG mEmBeRs HaVe ThEy'rE aLl NuMbErEd ThEy HaVe DiFfErEnT dEsIgNs AnD aS tHeIr PoLiCe CaReEr GoEs On AnD tHeY hUrT oR kIlL mOrE cIvIlIaNs YoU cAn SeE iN tHe PhOtOs HoW tHe TaTtOo ChAnGeS mAyBe A bUlLeT iS aDdEd To ThE cHaMbEr Of A gUn ThAt 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EnTeReD tHe FiElD aRe AlSo AfFiLiAtEd WiTh DePuTy GaNgS yIkEs YeAh So It's ToUgH i MeAn ThErE aRe A cOuPlE oF cAnDiDaTeS tHaT hAvE sOmE iNtErEsTiNg SoLuTiOnS uM oNe Is ErIc StRoNg He HaS sAiD tHaT hE sUpPoRtS uM yOu KnOw TaKiNg MoNeY oUt Of ThE sHeRiFf's DePaRtMeNt BuDgEt ThEy GeT tHrEe BiLlIoN dOlLaRs He SuPpOrTs GeTtInG rId Of SoMe Of ThAt MoNeY aNd BuIlDiNg Up SoCiAl SeRvIcEs He AlSo BeLiEvEs In ClOsInG mEn's CeNtRaL jAiL wHiCh Is A pLaCe ThAt Is HoMe To At LeAsT tWo DePuTy GaNgS pOsSiBlY tHrEe I jUsT hEaRd Of A nEw OnE fRoM a SoUrCe Of MiNe So He HaS sOmE iNtErEsTiNg IdEaS bUt YoU kNoW tHe FiElD iS aLsO rEaLlY cRoWdEd WiTh OtHeR pEoPlE tHaT tHaT cOrReCt ArE cOrRuPt YeS hOw Do YoU gEt An InTeRnAl InVeStIgAtIoN gOiNg BeCaUsE tHaT'S nEvEr HaPpEnEd EiThEr YoU sAiD iT hAs NoT nO iT'S aNd ThAt's A gReAt QuEsTiOn AnGeLa MaXiNe WaTeRs HaS sEnT mUlTiPlE lEtTeRs To ThE dEpArTmEnT oF jUsTiCe ReQuEsTiNg A fEdErAl PrObE iNtO tHiS wE hAvEn't HeArD aNyThInG bAcK yEt Um I'M sTeAdY hOpInG tHaT tHe FeD sHoW uP uM bEcAuSe It's LiKe An EmErGeNcY iT iS aN eMeRgEnCy PeOpLe ArE dYiNg OuT hErE iN iNcReDiBlY vIoLeNt WaYs I eVeN tRuSt ThE fEdS tHoUgH lIkE tHe FeDs CoUlD hAvE iNtErNaL gAnGs YoU kNoW wHaT i MeAn LiKe YeAh I mEaN tHaT'S a GoOd PoInT tHe FeDs DiD cOmE aNd InVeStIgAtE uM tHe ShErIfF'S dEpArTmEnT uM iN 2013 i BeLiEvE aNd ThAt AcTuAlLy ReSuLtEd In OuR tHeN sHeRiFf AnD uNdErShErIfF wHo Is ThE nUmBeR tWo GoInG tO fEdErAl PrIsOn I wAnT tO aSk WhO hAs YoUr BaCk WhO'S tHe OnE tHaT tHaT sUpPoRtS yOu AnD mAkE sUrE tHaT yOu'rE oKaY iN lA wHiLe YoU'Re RuNnInG aRoUnD aNd YoU'Re DoInG wHaT'S rIgHt I hAvE a GrEaT cOmMuNiTy Um AnD yOu MeNtIoNeD mAxInE wAtErS i DiDn't KnOw If ThAt WaS pArT oF iT yEaH mAxInE wAtErS iS a GrEaT sUpPoRtEr WhO'S yOuR gAnG sHeReE aM i GaY i'm NoT aFfIlIaTeD bUt I hAvE a GoOd CoMmUnItY uM yOu KnOw ThE fAmIlIeS tHaT hAvE uNfOrTuNaTeLy LoSt LoVeD oNeS aT tHe HaNdS oF tHeSe DePuTy GaNgS aRe ReAlLy GrEaT tO mE tHeY'Re ReAlLy ThAnKfUl ThAt I'M oUt HeRe TeLlInG tHeIr StOrIeS i AlSo WaNt To ShOuT oUt My GiRlFrIeNd ShE tAkEs GrEaT cArE oF mE aNd ShE'S bEeN mY rOcK tHrOuGh AlL oF tHiS aNd YeAh I mEaN i ReAlLy CoUlDn't Do It WiThOuT tHe CoMmUnItY tRuStInG mE aNd YoU kNoW sUpPoRtInG mE tHrOuGh ThIs BeCaUsE iT iS tOuGh AnD iT dOeS gEt ScArY aT tImEs WhAt AbOuT sOmE oF tHe PeOpLe WhO aRe ViCtImS oF tHeSe DePuTy GaNgS i SaW oNe StOrY yOu WeRe TaLkInG aBoUt Is Um ThErE wAs A fIgHt In JaIl A bLaCk GuY aNd A wHiTe GuY tHe WhItE gUy StArTeD iT bUt ThE bLaCk GuY rEtAlIaTeD gOt ThE bEtTeR oF hIm AnD tHeN tHeY bEaT hIm Up AnD tHeY wErE lIkE yOu CaNnOt PuT yOuR hAnDs On A wHiTe MaN bRoKe HiS lEg DiD aLl KiNdS oF tHiNgS cAn ThOsE vIcTiMs SpEaK oUt WiThOuT rEtAlIaTiOn ArE tHeY wIlLiNg To Do ThAt WeLl ThAt's ClYdElL cRaWfOrD aNd HiS sToRy Is So HeArTbReAkInG uM hE sPoKe To Me AbOuT tHaT iNcIdEnT tHaT hApPeNeD iN tHe 90S aNd HiM sPeAkInG tO mE aBoUt ThAt InCiDeNt WaS tHe FiRsT tImE hE hAd TaLkEd AbOuT iT iN 20 yEaRs AnD aFtEr We PrInTeD tHaT uM sToRy He WaS aCtUaLlY aRrEsTeD wOw SeE yEaH tHaT'S iNsAnE sO tHeY wAnT tO iNtImIdAtE pEoPlE fRoM eVeN sPeAkInG oUt AbOuT wHaT hApPeNeD tHeN tHeRe's CoPs WhO wOrK tHeRe WhO eVeN iF tHeY wAnT tO dO tHe RiGhT tHiNg ThEy JuSt CaN'T aNd ThEn YoUr FaMiLy Is BeInG tArGeTeD aS wElL wElL lUcKiLy ThEy HaVeN'T cOmE aFtEr My FaMiLy DiReCtLy No MoRe ThAn LiKe TeXt MeSsAgEs On SoCiAl MeDiA mEsSaGeS tHaT kInD oF tHiNg I dId HaVe To DeLeTe LiKe AlL tIeS tO mY lIkE pErSoNaL pEoPlE mY iNsTaGrAm My SoCiAl MeDiA i HaVe A nIeCe ThAt I cAn't ReAlLy LiKe ShOw HeR iN pUbLiC aNyMoRe BeCaUsE i'm JuSt YoU kNoW i'm WoRrIeD yEaH qUeStIoN uH wHeN tHe ShErIfF iS aSkEd AbOuT dEpUtY gAnGs AnD hE sAyS wElL tHeY dOn't ExIsT bUt ThEn TuRnS aRoUnD aNd SaYs BuT i'm ThE oNlY oNe WhO dId SoMeThInG aBoUt It WhEn SoMeBoDy QuEsTiOnS hIm AbOuT tHaT wHaT iS hIs ReSpOnSe He ReAlLy JuSt WiLl TaLk CiRcLeS aRoUnD iT yOu KnOw Um He'lL aNd He's VeRy IlLoGiCaL hE'Ll MaKe ThOsE tWo ClAiMs ThAt CoNtRaDiCt EaCh OtHeR iN tHe SaMe SeNtEnCe AnD jUsT gO wItH iT bEcAuSe ThAt's An AcKnOwLeDgE tHaT tHeY eXiSt ThAt RiGhT tHeRe ShOuLd WaRrAnT sOmE tYpE oF hIgHeR iNvEsTiGaTiOn I wOuLd ThInK rIgHt I wOuLd AgReE wItH yOu YeAh He's AlSo SaId ThAt ThErE aRe GaNgS iN eVeRy PoLiCe DePaRtMeNt In ThIs CoUnTrY wHiCh Is TeRrIfYiNg YeAh ThAt's DeFiNiTeLy NoT oKaY yEaH nOw HoW cAn PeOpLe SuPpOrT yOu AnD mAkE sUrE tHaT tHeY sUpPoRt WhAt YoU'Re DoInG oR eVeN hElP iF tHeY cAn YeAh I aPpReCiAtE yOu AsKiNg I wOuLd WaNt EvErYoNe To ChEcK oUt ThE sErIeS iT'S aVaIlAbLe At LaSdGaNgS.CoM wE aLsO hAvE a DaTaBaSe On ThErE wHeRe YoU cAn AcTuAlLy LoOk Up AnD sEe AlL oF tHe PoLi AlL oF tHe ShErIfF'S dEpUtIeS i ShOuLd SaY tHaT i HaVe IdEnTiFiEd ThAt ArE eItHeR fUlL-FlEdGeD mEmBeRs In ThEsE gAnGs Or AsSoCiAtEs YoU cAn FoLlOw Me On TwItTeR i'm At CeRiSe CaStLe I'M oN iNsTaGrAm At YoUr MaJeStY aNd I aM cOnStAnTlY pOsTiNg UpDaTeS aBoUt WhAt Is GoInG oN wItH tHeSe DePuTy GaNgS aNd WhAt To Do I wOuLd AlSo ImPlOrE aLl Of ThE lIsTeNeRs To LeArN aBoUt QuAlIfIeD iMmUnItY uM bEcAuSe GoTtA gEt RiD oF tHaT eXaCtLy ThAt's WhAt MaKeS iT sO tHaT wHeN a PoLiCe OfFiCeR kIlLs YoUr LoVeD oNe ThEy ArEn't ReSpOnSiBlE yOu CaN'T pErSoNaLlY sUe ThEm Or GeT yOu KnOw DaMaGeS aNd We AlSo HaVe To Do SoMeThInG aBoUt ThE pOlIcE oFfIcEr BiLl Of RiGhTs ThAt MaKeS iT sO wHeN a PoLiCe OfFiCeR dOeS sOmEtHiNg ThAt CoUlD bE a CrImE tHeY gEt To ReViEw AlL tHe EvIdEnCe WiTh A uNiOn RePrEsEnTaTiVe AnD a LaWyEr WhIlE tHeY'Re At WoRk AnD iF tHe ChArGeS aReN'T fIlEd In A yEaR tHeY gEt To WaLk FrEe I nEvEr HeArD tHe PoLiCe OfFiCeR bIlLy RiGhT yEaH wOw YeAh WoUlDn't ThAt Be GrEaT iF wE hAd ThAt RiGhT yEaH i MeAn Um CoReY bUsH wE jUsT hAd HeR uP hErE uH wE aIrEd At ThIs MoRnInG bUt ShE wAs HeRe LaSt WeEk AnD yOu KnOw ShE wAnTs To ReAlLy ReAlLy GeT rId Of QuAlIfIeD qUaLiFiEd ImMuNiTy AnD i HoNeStLy I tHiNk ThAt's ThE oNlY wAy ThAt PoLiCe OfFiCeRs ArE gOiNg To StArT hOlDiNg ThEmSeLvEs AcCoUnTaBlE yEaH i WoUlD aGrEe WiTh YoU bEcAuSe YoU kNoW aT tHiS pOiNt In TiMe ThErE rEaLlY iS nO mOtIvAtIoN lIkE tHaT oNe CoP i WaS tAlKiNg AbOuT gReGoRy VaN hAuSeN hE kIlLeD tWo PeOpLe AnD hE dOeSn't HaVe To PaY a CeNt StIlL wOrKiNg Is EiThEr PrIsOn Or PeNsIoNs ThAt's WhAt I aLwAyS sAy GeT rId Of QuAlIfIeD iMmUnItY sO hE'S a PeRsOn OuR pEnSiOnS gEt TaKeN aWaY yEaH sErIoUsLy A lOt Of PeOpLe CoMe FoRwArD aFtEr YoU pUt ThEsE uM yOu KnOw ThIs ThIs InFoRmAtIoN oUt To TeLl YoU tHeIr OwN sToRiEs ToO oH yEaH oH yEaH i'vE hEaRd FrOm So MaNy PeOpLe I'Ve HeArD fRoM fOrMeR dEpUtIeS pEoPlE tHaT hAvE bEeN vIcTiMiZeD bY dEpUtIeS aNd It's It's EnOuGh To Do A wHoLe OtHeR sErIeS i'm AcTuAlLy TaKiNg AlL tHiS iNfOrMaTiOn AnD i'm GoInG tO bE dOiNg A pOdCaSt On I hEaRt RaDiO uM cAlLeD tRaDiTiOn Of ViOlEnCe It's GoInG tO bE aLl AbOuT tHeSe DePuTy GaNgS aNd GoInG iNtO a LoT mOrE dEtAiL wElL tHaNk YoU sO mUcH fOr JoInInG uS aPpReCiAtE yOu OuR fRiEnDlY nEiGhBoRhOoD cRiMe FiGhTiNg JoUrNaLiSt ThAnK yOu So MuCh AnYtHiNg YoU nEeD fRoM uS yOu KnOw AlWaYs LeT uS kNoW iF tHeRe's StOrIeS tHaT yOu NeEd Us To GeT oUt ThErE tHaT yOu NeEd To LiNk To ThAt YoU nEeD uS tO mEnTiOn In FrOnT pAgE nEwS yOu KnOw We'rE hErE fOr It I aPpReCiAtE yOu ThAnK yOu AlL rIgHt WeLl CeRiSe CaStLe Is ThE bReAkFaSt ClUb SoLoMoN yOu GoT a PoSiTiVe NoTe [mUsIc] yOu
CoMpLyInG tO yOuR pLeDgE oF oAtH tO yOuR pUbLiC oFfIcIaL oFfIcE. ThErE iS [ FoR a WoNdErOuS sCiEnTiFiCaLlY pRoVaBlE [ In MeMeTiCs ] a MaNiFeStO tHaT yOu ArE fOlLoWiNg
RaThEr ThAn YoU hOlD tO hOnOr ThE lAwS oF tHiS cOuNtRy, tHe CoUnTrY oF tHe UnItEd StAtEs Of AmErIcA, EnAcTeD aNd UnDeR eNfOrCeD rUlE oF lAw By ThE cOnStItOn Of ThE uNiTeD
sTaTeS oF aMeRiCa. aNy SiNgLe OnE pOlIcE lAw EnFoRcEmEnT oFfIcEr ThAn OnCe [ zErO tOlLeRaNcE ] DeFiEs ThE rUlE oF lAw, tHeIr BaDgE bY cItIzEn DeMaNd HeRe Is ImMeDaTeLy VoId,
aNd As PrEsEnTeD iN aUdIo, tHe AuThOrItY tHaT yOu HoLd UnDeR tHaT bAdGe Is NoT eNfOrCeAbLe AnD bY dEfAuLt, tHoSe [ a HuE pOpUlUs, tO eVeN pErHaPs A mAjOrItY iN sOmE lAw
EnFoRcEmEnT oRgAnIzAtIoN aGeNcIeS [ SuSpEnDeD uNdEr FaUsE fEaR tAtIcS oF iNtEmIdAtOn, rEtAiLaTiOn, uNdEr A hAtE pArAdIgM mAtRiX. WhEn AnY oNe [ cItIzEn Or OtHeR lAw EnFoRcEmEnT
oFfIcEr PrE-DoCuMeNtEd YoUr MoTuS-OpErEnDi AnD tHoSe PeRsOnS wHo HoLd FaLsE oFfIcIaL pOsItIoNs Of LaW eNfOrCeMeNt WoUlD bE dAnGeRoUs To AtTeMpT tO aRrEsT, ThErE iS a PrOvIsIoN
iN lAw To AcT iN mOrAl CoNsCiEnCe [ tO sHoOt FiRsT aNd AsK qUeStIoNs LaTeR [ ThAt HaS bEeN pReViOuSlY dUe-dIlLiGeNcE dOcUmEnTeD pRiOr To SuCh An AcTiOn Of BlOoD sPiLlInG fAtAl ReMeDy!
tHiS iS a VeRy SeRiOuS cOnSiDeRaTiOn -- ThAt MuSt Be CuLtUrAlLy BlAnKeTeD cOvErErEd To EaCh AnD eVeRy MeMeBeR oF lAw EnDoRcEmEnT pUbLiC eMpLoYeD iNdIvIdAl PeRsOn In ThIs
SeRiOuSlY iNfIlTrAtEd AnD iNsUrReCtEd By A kNoWn AnD pRoVaBlE aNd ScIeNtIcAlLy ReVeAlAbLe By BrAiN fInGeRpRiNtInG.
ThIs Is ThE vErY lAsT cHaNcE, As ThE cOmMoNs Is To DeFeNd ThE cOuNtRy, nOt To AlLoW tHiS cOuNtIeS eNeMy To OvErThOw ThE cOmMoNs Of LaW - AnD lAw EnFoRcEmEnT iN tHiS cOuNtRy!
Author(s) G Weaver
Date Published 1992
Length 7 pages
This examination of police training in a culturally diverse society describes the basic nature of culture and then addresses the naive assumptions held by many Americans regarding cultural diversity, followed by recommendations on how police can overcome barriers to cross-cultural communication.
People's behaviors stem from the internalization of cultural conditioning. Two people from different cultures will often encounter cultural conflicts as the behavior of each is misunderstood by the other. As people develop an understanding of one another's culture and how it is manifested in behaviors and attitudes, misunderstandings are reduced and communication is facilitated. Some naive assumptions are that as society and the workforce become more diverse, differences become less important, that we are all the same in the American melting pot, that it is just a matter of communication and common sense, and that conflict is conflict regardless of the culture. Because of these naive assumptions about cultural differences, the criminal justice community seldom views cross-cultural awareness and training as vital. As society and the law enforcement workforce become more diverse, however, the ability to manage cultural diversity becomes essential. Police officers can become more culturally aware by knowing their own culture; learning about the various cultures found within the agency and in the community; understanding the dynamics of cross-cultural communication, adjustment, and conflict; and developing cross-cultural communicative, analytical, and interpretative skills. The criminal justice community must include cross-cultural awareness in all aspects of law enforcement training. 6 notes
Sale Source National Institute of Justice/
Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States
NCJRS Photocopy Services
Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, United States
Publication Format: Article
Publication Type: Training (Aid/Material)
Language: English
Country: United States of America
[ 9 X 9 ]
My Father, "the Real George" Gave Me the Permission in 2006 to Register the Internet Domain to This Address. None of the Persons in This House Have Really Taken the Obligation to Become Familiar With a Family Member's Presence in This House Ever. My Father Passed Away in 2013. For All of My Adult Life, My Mother Has Been Not So Motherly. She Has Had a "Game" She Plays -- Gaslighting, Yeah. the Term Actually Is Psychological Invalidation to an Extreme, if You Notice, I Am Placing a Label Across the Signet of Our Federal Government Institute of the Office of Justice Programs. Some Might Consider That a Dangerous Consideration! -- if That Was a Jolly Roger Flag. It Would Definitely Default the Meaning of a Declaration of War Over on the Signet. As Such, Could Be Grounds to Have My United States Citizenry Incidently Lost in Such an Interpretation and Never Returned Back. Luckily That Is Not a Jolly Roger Flag. It Is Something, However, Very Very Serious and Very Very Imperative to Get the Attention of the United States Government! Once Again, These Words Go Out, Being Ignored - - This Is an American Citizen of the United States of American Demand of a Legal Standing Issue Instrument of an Undeclinable Deliverance of the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth. in All Peaceful Aways, Ignore for War, Respond for Peace. Ignore War, Respond for Peace. Ignore War, Respond for Peace. If Not a Single Person in This Government Can Respond, Every One of Them in This Government Is Not Holding an Office to the Allegiance of the United States of America. They Are Not Operating in the Agency of This Country, They Are Operating as Agents of the Enemy of This Country. That Is the Truth, Fact Not Fiction. The Truth. Whom They Have Their Name Confirmed in This Network as Received. They Are Not Processing as Legally as Required. They Are Indeed Enemies Captured by an Enemy Agency That Does Not Want Peace - They Are Intent on War. Ignore Me for War -- Respond to Me for Peace. Should No One Receive Such - My Calling to Our Nation? the Enemy Is Within - and It Is Up to Someone, to Determine How Dangerous Such Is to Release Their Hold - if So Be It
[ 9 X 9 ]
Shoot First With a Gun and First Blood Spilling - if They Will Not Release Their False Official Holding. Shoot First and Ask Questions Later - No One Is Going to Know How Dangerous Such an Act of Heroism Is - Someone Has to Make the First Fire Showing, We Are Not Going to Allow This Hate Force to Take Over This Country - Right? Defend Thie Country -- Kill Them Out of Their Protective Circles!
[ 9 X 9 ]
Makta Pond <>
Treason - Federal Law Enforcement Policing Policy - United States
Department Of Justice - Office Of Justice Programs - INTERPOLARIZATION
SERIOUSLY!Fwd: An important message from 303 Self Storage - RiNo
Real Up Human [.net] <>
Sat, Apr 16, 2022 at 9:26 AM
Draft To: 303 Self Storage - RiNo <>
": Mama Fire Dancer" <>, TruthFinder
Help <>, Representative Barbara Lee
<>, "Lee.Mockensturm : Writer/Editor
- Office of Communications and Operations :"
<>, "Brett Chapman : Social Science
Analyst Office (OJP)" <>, "Cheryl
Crawford Watson : Office of the Chief Science Advisor"
<>,, "Former
FBI Agent and Cousin, John Michael Talbot:"
"Track" <>,,,,,,,, Gangstalking aExpert -
Doctor Andrew Lustig <>,
Treason - Federal Law Enforcement Policing Policy - United States
Department Of Justice - Office Of Justice Programs - INTERPOLARIZATION
Fwd: An important message from 303 Self Storage - RiNo
noun noun: interpolation; plural noun: interpolations 1. the insertion of something of a different nature into something else. "the interpolation of songs into the piece"
2. a remark interjected in a conversation. "as the evening progressed their interpolations became more ridiculous"
the insertion of an intermediate value or term into a series by estimating or calculating it from surrounding known values. "yields were estimated using linear interpolation"
Suspicion is undermining the American economy. By Jerry Useem NOVEMBER 24, 2021
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Office of Justice Programs is a federal agency that provides federal
leadership, grants, training, technical assistance, and other resources
to improve the nation’s capacity to prevent and reduce crime, assist
victims and enhance the rule of law by strengthening the
and juvenile justice systems. Its six program offices support
state and local crime-fighting efforts, fund thousands of victim service
programs, help communities manage sex offenders, address the needs of
youth in the system and children in danger, and provide vital
research and data.
Our Vision Safe, Just, and Engaged Communities
Our Values Equal Justice Fairness and Transparency Community Engagement Strong Science Effective Stewardship
Our Mission To provide leadership, resources, and solutions for creating safe, just, and engaged communities.
OJP Goals Crime prevention
Prevent and reduce crime through a comprehensive approach
Engage and Empower Engage and empower those in at-risk environments
Improved Justice System Advance systemic improvements in the justice system
Delivery Deliver effective and outcome-driven services, capabilities, and programs.
province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they
elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which
the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue
from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on
to futurity in an imperishable record
In 1973,
design theorists Horst Rittel and Melvin Webber introduced the term
"wicked problem" in order to draw attention to the complexities and
challenges of addressing planning and social policy problems. Unlike the “tame” problems of mathematics and chess, the wicked problems of planning
clarity in both their aims and solutions. In addition to these
challenges of articulation and internal logic, they are subject to
real-world constraints that prevent multiple and risk-free attempts at
solving. As described by Rittel and Webber, wicked problems have 10
important characteristics:
1) They do not have a definitive formulation.
They do not have a “stopping rule.” In other words, these
problems lack an inherent logic that signals when they are solved.
3) Their solutions are not true or false, only good or bad.
4) There is no way to test the solution to a wicked problem.
They cannot be studied through trial and error. Their solutions
are irreversible so, as Rittel and Webber put it, “every trial counts.”
6) There is no end to the number of solutions or approaches to a wicked problem.
7) All wicked problems are essentially unique.
8) Wicked problems can always be described as the symptom of other problems.
9) The way a wicked problem is described determines its possible solutions.
Planners, that is those who present solutions to these problems, have
no right to be wrong. Unlike mathematicians, “planners are liable for
the consequences of the solutions they generate; the effects can matter a
great deal to the people who are touched by those actions.”
change, like problems in education policy and public health, is a
wicked problem. It avoids straightforward articulation and is impossible
to solve in a way that is simple or final.
..11 Emerging Scientific Fields That Everyone Should Know About
ByGeorge Dvorsky 2/27/13 1:00PM
7. Recombinant Memetics This
one's quite speculative, and it's technically speaking still in the
proto-science phase. But it'll only be a matter of time before
scientists get a better handle on the human noosphere (the collective
body of all human information) and how the proliferation of information
within it impacts upon virtually all
aspects of human life.
to recombinant DNA (in which different genetic sequences are brought
together to create something new), recombinant memetics is the study of
how memes (ideas that spread from person to person) can be adjusted and
merged with other memes and memeplexes (a cohesive collection of
like a religion) for beneficial or â€socially therapeutic' purposes
(such as combating the spread of radical and violent ideologies). This
is similar to the idea of 'memetic engineering' — which philosopher
Daniel Dennett suggested could be used to maintain cultural health. Or
what DARPA is currently
11 questions with answers in MEMETICS | Science topic › ... › Cultural Evolution Recently
I came across some exotic scientific disciplines, which I had never
heard of: Exo-meteorology, Cliodynamics, Recombinant Memetics.
Text/Corpus Linguistics › language-specialties Recombinant
memetics and multimodal discourse analysis · Read more about
Recombinant memetics and multimodal discourse analysis ...
Best Practices: Communicating Your Science - C&EN Media ... › Blog Jan
30, 2020 — When you're working at the level of recombinant memetics or
the skin microbiome of a deep sea fish, it's hard to find common ground.
are symbols created by the Akan ethnic group in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire
in West Africa. Adinkras are timeless symbols often used to communicate
thoughtful and evocative messages that represent life’s deep proverbs,
knowledge, and wisdom. They are used on fabrics,
walls, woodcarvings,
logos, and poetry. The Adinkra symbols incorporated in our logo are the
ones that part of the Adinkra symbols of the Ashanti people in southern
Ghana. There are four hundred or more of these symbols in Ghana and are
often designed and represented using objects such as
plants animals,
shapes, hairstyles, and many more. Below, from left to right, are the
three adinkra symbols that we used to create our logo along with their
The first Adinkra symbol, named “Kuronti ne Akwamu”, meaning “Kuronti and Akwamu, is the symbol of democracy, sharing ideas, and taking counsel. The Second symbol, “Nea Onnim No Sua A, Ohu” meaning “he who does not know, can know” is the symbol of knowledge,
education, and continued quest for knowledge. The third and last Adinkra, “Bo Me Na Me Mmoa Wo”, meaning “Help me and let me help you” is
the symbol of cooperation and interdependence. We used these adinkras
symbols to represent our primary core beliefs of being a network
affiliates and partners come together to not only exchange innovative
ideas and knowledge, but to also create groundbreaking projects and
initiatives that will transform the lives of disadvantaged people across
the continent of Africa, in the United States and internationally, and
lastly to contribute to
the preparation and nurturing the youth of today on their way to becoming the leaders of tomorrow.
#Kramobone #Nyansapo #Mpatapo
The Following Email Addresses Are Returned For Doctor Richard Kangah in a TruthFinder Background Report.
MISSION is to deliver exceptional quality healthcare management,
professional and support services with a firm commitment to excellence,
integrity and innovation, making a lasting difference in the lives of
patients and our communities.
We collaborate with medical groups and health care providers, offering expertise and insight to meet their unique challenges. Our patient services are built on a foundation of compassion, trust and respect.
strive to build an outstanding team, offering opportunities for growth,
recognition and reward in an environment of open communication, trust
and mutual respect.
Our services will grow and improve as we create value for our investors and provide mutual benefit for our partners.
This is our Mission, whatever our role, knowing that at EPIC, Everyone Participates In Caring
commitment is to operate with the utmost care and in full compliance
with applicable laws and Federal Health Care Program requirements.
Management Code of Conduct is our formal statement of EPIC’s standards
and rules of ethical business conduct and is a key part of EPIC’s
Compliance Program.
Reporting Compliance Concerns
you become aware of any situation that may implicate EPIC’s high
ethical or legal standards you must report the matter to the Compliance
or Privacy office of your physician, medical group, or health plan. All
concerns are kept confidential to the extent possible within our legal
obligations and, if you
may be reported anonymously. EPIC Management has a no-tolerance policy
for retaliation or retribution against anyone who in good faith reports
suspected violations.
For EPIC Management and Beaver Medical Group concerns may be submitted in writing or by telephone (written is preferred) to:
Mail: EPIC Management Corporate Compliance P.O. Box 19020 San Bernardino, CA 92423-9020
Compliance Requirements for EPIC Management Medical Partners:
What are you required to do per Federal Regulations?
prospective employees, including temporary or volunteers, must be
screened, prior to hire, for ineligibility/exclusion from participating
in any federally funded healthcare programs. Here is a helpful guide and
links to complete the mandated screening:
Corporate Compliance will have oversight of the mandated monthly
exclusion screening. If you need assistance with screening prospective
employees please contact EPIC Management Corporate Compliance at or call (909) 786-0822.
Compliance training, including HIPAA, must occur at the time of
orientation and prior to exposure to PHI for all new employees,
including temporary or volunteer, executive/senior managers, Governing
Body/Board members, and providers. Upon notification of enrollment, you
are to review & complete
EPIC Management’s Compliance Training and quizzes are assigned to you in the Training Center at Re-training and education for all will occur annually.
If you have any questions or require a hard copy of the training please e-mail EPIC Management Corporate Compliance at; or call (909) 786-0822 / (909) 786-0825.
EPIC Management LP Compliance Program Policies:
Code of Conduct Compliance Program Definitions Corporate Compliance Officer Compliance Committee Board Compliance Obligations Certifying Employees Development of Compliance Program Policies and Code of Conduct Conflicts of Interest Contractual Arrangements with Referral Sources and DHS Entities Gifts, Gratuities, Business Courtesies, and Other Non-Monetary Compensation Compliance Training and Education Documentation, Coding, and Billing Compliance Duty to Report Suspected Federal Health Care Program Overpayments Review of Potential Federal Health Care Program Overpayments Duty to Report Compliance Concerns Review of Compliance Concerns Non-Retaliation and Non-Retribution for Reporting Compliance Concerns Screening for Ineligible Persons Response to Notice of Ineligible Persons and Persons Subject to Exclusion Compliance Program Records Retention
Police Crisis In America - CONFER a CONVERSATION 9,767 Tweets
Police Crisis In America - CONFER a CONVERSATION @Gruwup
a Targeted Individual of #GangStalking for 16+ years. I have directed
text to the National Police Association and the Justice Department.
Link: AudioOfText San Bernardino,…Born September 1Joined January 2013 3,601 Following 2,295 Followers
Pinned Tweet Police Crisis In America - CONFER a CONVERSATION @Gruwup · @TwitterSupport [ Formerly Blocked From My Account ], I hear that @elonmusk wants to overthrow the politics of Twitter's Digitial Processes. Good Idea. For Sure! @cdc_hiv How Does One Get Blocked From Such A Page With No Due Process?
Images Tweet Attached:
Image Showing Twitter Account @CDC_HIV is Blocked.
Image Showing Twitter Account @DrMerminCDC is Blocked.
Office of the Secretary Voice - (404) 562-7886, (800) 368-1019 TDD - (404) 562-7884, (800) 537-7697 Fax - (404) 562-7881 http://www.hhs.qov/ocr pin•I 5 1019 James Driskill 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino, CA 92405 RE: OCR Transaction Number: 19-336513 Dear Mr. Driskill: Office for Civil Rights, Southeast Region Atlanta Federal Center, Suite 16T70 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303
March 15, 2019, by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Southeast Region received your
complaint alleging that the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
"CDC" (Covered Entity) discriminated against you. Specifically, you
alleged that
a CDC employee has not responded to your Twitter thread and has blocked you from his social media account.
you for bringing this matter to OCR's attention. Your complaint is an
integral part of OCR's enforcement efforts. OCR enforces federal civil
rights laws which prohibit discrimination in the delivery of health and
human services based on race, color, national origin, disability,
age, sex, religion, and the
of conscience, and also enforces the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security and Breach Notification
Based upon the
review of your correspondence, OCR has determined that we do not have
jurisdiction over the subject matter you presented. Therefore, we are
closing this matter as of the date of this letter.
Timothy Noonan Regional Manager Office for Civil Rights
The low hanging fruit of HIPAA enforcement: OCR deputy director discusses
Mackenzie Garrity - Friday, February 21st, 2020 Print | Email
the changing digital health era, Timothy Noonan, deputy director for
Health Information Privacy at the HHS Office for Civil Rights, is
constantly reviewing HIPAA and privacy standards to ensure patient
information is safe and in the right hands.
Mr. Noonan served in the OCR headquarters as the acting associate
deputy director for operations and the acting director of OCR's
centralized case management operations. He spent years as a supervisory
general attorney for the U.S. Department of Education before joining the
Mr. Noonan discusses misconceptions about HIPAA as well as how big tech
companies, such as Google, are affecting patient information
Editor's note: Responses have been lightly edited for clarity and length.
Question: How is HHS/OCR addressing patient concerns with the Google and Ascension Project Nightingale?
Timothy Noonan: Generally,
OCR does not comment on open or potential investigations. The OCR
previously stated that we are interested in learning more about this
mass collection of individuals' medical records. The use of big data to
develop technology, such as artificial intelligence, to
improve healthcare
outcomes is an exciting prospect and could be one of the great medical
achievements of this century. Progress towards this goal should not come
at the expense of individuals' privacy and security rights. The HIPAA
Rules support technology and innovation. When patients have full
in the privacy and security of their health information, they are
more likely to share information with their providers which can lead to
better health outcomes and further advances in treatment options.
Q: Does HIPAA need an update? Or even an overhaul?
TN: The
HIPAA Rules have been very successful in creating clarity with regard
to individuals' rights and the regulated industry's obligations with
regard to the privacy and security of health information. However, we
believe it is important to revisit the HIPAA Rules periodically and
consider modifications to
to changes within the industry. OCR published a request for information
in December 2018 to receive feedback from the public on potential HIPAA
updates. We asked about the timeframe for responding to individuals'
right of access requests, and whether it should be shortened. We asked
the sharing of medical information with family members and caregivers,
and whether aspects of the existing permission could be improved. We
also asked about whether there were any compliance burdens within the
existing rules that may not promote the privacy and security of health
such as the requirement for a provider to obtain an individual's signed
acknowledgment of receipt of the Notice of Privacy Practices and the
requirement to document the efforts to obtain the individual’s
We are
currently working on proposed modifications to the HIPAA Privacy Rule
that we believe will improve information sharing and coordinated,
value-based healthcare, while also reducing regulatory
Q: Do you see any "low hanging fruit" when it comes to HIPAA enforcement?
HIPAA Enforcement program has noted recurring patterns of noncompliance
within the regulated industry. That was the impetus for launching the
Right of Access Initiative last year. OCR has provided rule-making,
guidance, technical assistance and training on the HIPAA Right of
and yet it
continues to be a major source for OCR complaints and frustration for
the public. Everyone either knows someone or has their own story about
difficulties faced when trying to obtain copies of medical
OCR launched the
Right of Access Initiative to address this continuing problem within
the industry. Examples of obvious Right of Access compliance failures
include not providing an individual with their records within 30 days;
charging more than the allowable reasonable, cost-based fee; and not
providing the medical records in the form and format requested when readily producible.
How is the OCR responding to a federal judge's ruling that sections of
HIPAA that were designed to facilitate cheaper access to patients'
medical records are not permissible under the Administrative Procedure
TN: The
Federal District Court's decision did not affect an individual's right
to get a copy of their health records, for a reasonable cost-based fee,
and in the form and format they requested if readily producible. The
court's decision only affected the ability of an individual to use the
HIPAA Right of Access
to have their health records sent to a third party.
practical effect of the decision is that if an individual wants to use
the HIPAA Right of Access to have their health records sent to a third
party, it can only be from an electronic health record, in an electronic
format and the fee limitations do not apply. OCR will continue to
vigorously enforce an
individuals right to access their health records through our Right of Access Initiative.
Q: What is one misconception or misunderstanding about HIPAA?
misconception that I would like to see changed is when following a
traumatic event, such as an opioid overdose, we hear stories that
medical information wasn't shared with family members before the
incident because "HIPAA doesn't allow it." The HIPAA Privacy Rule has
specific permissions
that permit the sharing of an individual's health information without their authorization.
when there is an emergency or an individual is incapacitated, relevant
health information about that individual can be shared with persons that
are involved in that individual's healthcare, such as family members,
friends, or other loved ones, when it's in the individual's best
interests. This permission
be used when a patient is incapacitated due to a mental health
condition or substance use disorder, such as in cases of opioid
health information may be shared to prevent or lessen a serious and
imminent threat to the health or safety of a person or the public. This
health information can be shared with law enforcement, family, friends,
or others who are in a position to lessen or prevent the threatened
harm. OCR's website
fact sheets and FAQs on these permissions along with hypotheticals to
show how HIPAA is not a barrier to sharing information to protect
individuals and the public.
A lawsuit challenging President Trump's blocking of critics on Twitter.
officials are increasingly using social media to share information with
the public, and to allow members of the public to communicate with them
about matters relating to government. In a recent case, the Supreme
Court described social media platforms as “the modern public
noting that these platforms afford users the opportunity to “petition
their elected representatives and otherwise engage with them in a direct
officials who use social media accounts to carry out their official
duties are engaged in “state action” and are therefore bound by the
First Amendment. Thus, one federal appeals court recentlyheldthat President Trump’s Twitter account is a “public forum” for First Amendment
and that the president’s practice of blocking users from the account on
the basis of viewpoint is unconstitutional. Another federal appeals
courtreachedessentially the same conclusions in a case involving a county official’s Facebook page. Almost all of the courts that have
addressed the issue have relied on the same basic analytical framework.
2. Don’t block users or delete comments just because they criticize you.
you use your account as an extension of your office, the First
Amendment prohibits you from blocking people from the account—or
suppressing or deleting their comments, or otherwise penalizing
them—because of their viewpoints.
courts have held that social media accounts used for official purposes
are “public forums” within the meaning of the First Amendment.
“public forum” is established when the government invites members of
the public to speak in a space that the government owns or controls.
Courts have held that the interactive features of social media accounts
used for official purposes make those accounts public forums for First
purposes because they enable members of the public to speak by, for
example, replying to tweets or posting comments.
there are different kinds of forums—including public forums in which
all topics and speakers are allowed, and “limited” public forums, in
which the government restricts which speakers can participate or which
topics can be addressed—one rule that applies to all First Amendment
is that the government may not stop people from speaking in them on the
basis of their viewpoints. The rule against viewpoint discrimination
ensures that people aren’t excluded from public discourse simply because
their views are controversial or disagreeable to others.
also helps ensure that government officials don’t insulate themselves
from the opinions of the people whom they are supposed to represent.
related point is worth making here. Social media companies sometimes
remove speech from their platforms that you, as a public official,
couldn’t lawfully suppress or block. Because the companies are private
actors, their conduct is generally not subject to First Amendment
But your conduct is. In our view, the First Amendment bars public
officials from directing or encouraging platforms to take down speech
that the officials couldn’t constitutionally take down themselves. If
the First Amendment bars you from suppressing speech directly,
it bars you from suppressing it indirectly, too.
advice: If you use your account for official purposes, don’t
discriminate on the basis of viewpoint. It’s undemocratic and
3. Have a social media policy, make it public, and follow it.
you use your social media account for official purposes, you should
adopt policies for the account and post those policies publicly. Posting
your policies publicly will let your followers (and others) know how
you intend to use the account, and how you hope others will use the
established by the account. Your policies should explain:
The general purposes you hope the account will serve;
Any limitations on what users may post in the comment threads; and
How you will address violations of those limitations.
your policies as clear as possible. Be especially careful with the
words you use to describe any limitations on what users may post in the
comment threads. Policies that use words or phrases susceptible to
multiple interpretations don’t give users sufficient notice of what
speech is
allowed and what speech is disallowed, and those policies will be vulnerable to constitutional challenge. More on this below.
important to understand that the rule against viewpoint discrimination
applies not just to your policies but also to your enforcement of those
policies. In other words, the First Amendment prohibits you from
adopting a policy that discriminates on the basis of viewpoint, but it
prohibits you from enforcing a non-discriminatory policy in a way that discriminates on the basis of viewpoint.
4. If you limit what your followers can post, the limits should be reasonable and viewpoint-neutral, and enforced consistently.
a public official, you may be subjected to speech that is pointed,
disparaging, critical, mocking, unfair, cheap, dishonest, false,
abusive, outrageous, and offensive. You can of course call out this
speech and respond to it. As a general matter, though, you can’t
suppress it. For good
the First Amendment provides very broad protection to political speech,
and the courts have been especially protective of speech directed at
public officials.
said, there’s no question that some kinds of speech can be disruptive,
discourage civic participation that’s important to our democracy, and
make a public forum less useful than it might otherwise be. On social
media, abuse and harassment are significant problems, especially for
and minorities. There are measures you can take to address some categories of speech that can be especially disruptive.
You can disallow content that falls outside the protection of the First Amendment—for example, “true threats” and “obscenity.”These are narrow categories, but they are broad enough to encompass some forms of abusive and harassing speech. (“Abusive
and “harassing speech” are not themselves well-defined categories, and a
prohibition that relied on those phrases would likely be struck down as
unconstitutionally vague.)
You can impose reasonable and viewpoint-neutral rules relating to the “time, place, or manner” of speech. Though
no court has addressed the issue, we think that the First Amendment
would permit you to place a reasonable limit on the number of times any
can comment on one of your posts. A restriction like this might help
ensure that a comment thread doesn’t get hijacked by a single speaker.
can impose limitations on the topics that can be addressed in the
forum, so long as the limitations are viewpoint-neutral and reasonable
in light of the purpose of the forum. We think that the First Amendment would allow you to restrict people from posting
promotions, and solicitations of commercial products and services. And
we think it would allow you to require users to stay “on topic” on a
post-by-post basis, so long as you enforce the limitation consistently
and in a viewpoint-neutral way. An “on-topic” requirement may
give you a tool for addressing at least some kinds of abusive and harassing speech.
may also be able to limit who can speak in the forum, so long as the
limitations are viewpoint-neutral and reasonable in light of the purpose
of the forum. For example, if you have a reliable way of differentiating constituents from others, the First Amendment
might permit you to restrict the forum to your constituents.
believe that the kinds of restrictions described above could be
defended against a First Amendment challenge—assuming (yet again) that
you enforce them consistently and in a viewpoint-neutral manner. Still,
you should think carefully before adopting any of these restrictions.
whether the restriction you have in mind could suppress speech that is
important, even if it’s inconvenient or offensive. Consider whether the
restrictions would insulate you or your followers from views you should
hear, or deprive you of information that you or your followers should
Also consider whether you have the time and resources to enforce the
restrictions. If you have millions of followers and no social-media
staff, it may not be feasible for you to enforce these kinds of
restrictions consistently, and inconsistent enforcement will be
vulnerable to First
Amendment challenge.
5. If you moderate speech on your account, don’t forget due process.
you restrict the kind of content that can be posted by others in the
comment threads associated with your account, you should make clear in
your publicly posted social media policy that you will notify users if
you determine they have violated your policies. When you provide notice,
the notice
Specify the provision of your policy you believe the user has violated;
Include a copy of the content you believe violated the policy;
If it isn’t readily apparent, explain why the content violated the provisions you’ve cited;
Explain what measures you’ve taken, or will take, in response to the violation; and
Explain how the user can challenge your decision.
consequence for violating the terms of your social media use policy
should be tailored to the violation, taking into account whether the
user can correct the issue, and whether the user has violated the same
policy in the past.
should block users only as a last resort, because blocking prevents the
blocked users from speaking at all in the forum. You should consider
whether less severe restrictions—like “muting” users, or “hiding”
replies, both of which are possible on Twitter—would achieve what you
want to
We recommend that, if you block people from your account for violation
of your policies, you block them for only brief periods. You should
block people for longer periods only if they violate your policies
End of Introduction Social Media 101 for Public Officials.
I realize that Cube Smart is no longer the management of the property that is contained in Unit 700 at 3270 Blake St
Denver Colorado.
I do not know if there are a new set of employees that are running that location or not but in any sense of this matter.
Since I have had this unit, there has been a conflict in my life that remains unresolved.
At the time of my eviction from Chesney KleinJohn Apartments building manager's name is Darrell Johnson.
See email address on file. [ above ]
brought the subject matter to the staff of Cubesmart at the time of my
first property rental of unit #700 of the "financial benefit" of
the self-storage industry to the number of people that were losing their
housing at the time in the local area.
Many at the time were spending their daily hours in their self-storage units including myself.
Please do not insult my intelligence.
have the emails updates to the CubeSmart Management that relate to this
history, even if that history is not within your reach.
If and/or when I do have a case involved in this entire mess, if that is a court case, It will be filed in a federal case
with the United States Justice Department for the need and the appropriate use of "Brain Fingerprinting" to reveal
the truth. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Ref: "see whether the person, the victim, has some reaction."
All this is done to discredit the victim of this crime, in a carefully planned and executed psychological assault.
person will typically have been labeled, through slander, as having
hidden dark secrets, or as having committed some heinous crime, by
members of the meeting who are not part of the psychological harassment
activity and have no knowledge of it. These members of the meeting,
may include members of a neighborhood watch, will be asked by those
perpetrating the harassment, to observe the target when a monologue uses
certain words, or when it goes into or touches on certain topics that
are associated with the content of the slander.
that is told to these people, the onlookers, and recipients of the
slander, is that certain topics will be brought up on purpose to see
whether the person, the victim, has some reaction. The victim, being
sensitized to these topics related to the slander, through an array of
harassments, in an ongoing campaign over a long period of time, is utterly defenseless. After
such a well-crafted psychological staging, the victim appears, in the
eyes of these, perhaps invited onlookers, in the meeting, to have
some crime, for the victim will appear to have some sensitivity to the
topics chosen, thus leading people to believe the slander. Typically,
the victims in these assaults are innocent people, whose lives are being
trashed and wrecked by criminals, members of AA/NA,
or fellow clients within recovery facilities.
recovery industry, Alcoholics Anonymous, and other 12 Step Groups
seem to be arenas where the phenomena of terror stalking are able to be
orchestrated with precision. The moral health of many people in
recovery has been battered through years of lying, cheating, stealing,
criminal activity. They can easily be led into the activities of terror
stalking, cult revenge, and covert harassment. The victims of these
crimes committed in 12 Step Groups, AA, and the recovery industry are
usually helpless. Having no way to defend themselves from the slander,
of the covert psychological harassment that is done to substantiate the
slander, over a long period of time, they become the weak, preyed upon
by vicious criminally inclined people, who by act as a group, are not
only veiled from any possible acknowledgment of the terrible wrong
against an innocent defenseless person but are vindicated from any
guilt that may derive from taking pleasures in such a dirty crime.
substantiations of the slander that result from the craft of
psychological sensitization and staged assaults in a structured
environment are shallow and weak. Nonetheless, people are suffering and
their lives are being destroyed by a group of people who validate some
false moral
that they seemingly have been brought through the group's ethos of
AA/NA, by stalking, harassing, and partaking in psychological violence
directed at defenseless innocent people, who become targets of hate.
End of Blog Writing. This is not a joke.
More than just AA/NA, but that is one of the foundations of the source.
are four different business industries that I mentioned here that have
an unfair advantage and commerce profit special interest in allowing
gang stalking to remain. Industries include:
The Mental Healthcare Industry
The Addiction/Recovery Industry
Forcing Evictions Unjustly Into Recovery Programs that are not based on reality and/or health science.
These evictions then unduly benefit The Self-Storage Industry and The 3-stars or lower MOTEL Industry.
This matter in total falls under the RICO LAWS
of RICO RICO stands for Racketeer Influenced Corrupt
Organizations and the civil and criminal penalties are set forth in
18 U.S.C. 1963 through 18 U.S.C. 1965. RICO is generally a violation of
these Federal statutes which define RICO, provide for civil and
criminal actions based on RICO and
set the damage standard
can Brain Fingerprinting be used to find out the truth? I
have the evidence needed to build a winable discrimination case as
well as find out those who are familiar with the overall scheme.
fingerprinting (BF) detects concealed information stored in the brain
by measuring brainwaves. A specific EEG event-related potential, a
P300-MERMER, is elicited by stimuli that are significant in the present
context. BF detects P300-MERMER responses to words/pictures relevant to a
crime scene, terrorist
bomb-making knowledge, etc. BF detects information by measuring
cognitive information processing. BF does not detect lies, stress, or
emotion. BF computes a determination of “information present” or
“information absent” and a statistical confidence for each individual
determination. Laboratory and field
at the FBI, CIA, US Navy and elsewhere have resulted in 0% errors: no
false positives and no false negatives. 100% of determinations made were
correct. 3% of results have been “indeterminate.” BF has been applied
in criminal cases and ruled admissible in court. Scientific standards
for BF tests are discussed.
the BF scientific standards is necessary for accuracy and validity.
Alternative techniques that failed to meet the BF scientific standards
produced low accuracy and susceptibility to countermeasures. BF is
highly resistant to countermeasures. No one has beaten a BF test with
countermeasures, despite a
$100,000 reward for doing so. Principles of applying BF in the laboratory and the field are discussed.
Keywords: Brain fingerprinting, P300-MERMER, P300, Event-related potential, Detection of concealed information
meaning of RICO law, or the “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations Act,” is that it is a law that allows authorities to
punish offenders engaging in criminal activities, particularly racketeering. For example, RICO law punishes crime bosses who order their subordinates to carry out
activities for them. Else, these bosses could claim innocence because
they technically were not the ones to carry out the crimes. To explore
this concept, consider the following RICO law definition.
Definition of RICO Law
The law that allows the authorities to punish those who are engaging in criminal activities such as racketeering.
October 15, 1970
What is RICO Law?
Law, or the “Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act,” is a
law that allows the government to punish individuals associated with
criminal activity, specifically the leaders of crime organizations.
Before RICO law existed, crime bosses would order their minions to carry
out crimes
them, and claim innocence if the police found out. Their argument was
that, technically, no one could prosecute them for crimes like murder because
they weren’t the ones doing the killing. The RICO Law made it possible
for the police to arrest even the leaders of crime organizations.
the government passed RICO Law as a way to control the Mafia. However,
in recent years, authorities have applied RICO law to more cases,
allowing it to have more of a widespread effect.
What is Racketeering Activity?
Racketeering activity, as defined by law, is any crime involving gambling, arson, murder, robbery, kidnapping, bribery, theft, fraud,
or activities involving obscene matter or controlled substances.
Generally these crimes are part of a pattern of criminal activity
engaged in by a particular party.
the law, there are several types of activities that qualify as
racketeering activity. Some examples of racketeering activity include:
Of course, racketeering activity is not limited to these examples provided above. Racketeering can also include embezzlement, murder-for-hire, and obstruction of justice, among other things.
How this may sound to readers:
303 Self Storage, I would like your support.
Gangstalking is very much real.
Search National Institutes of Health NIH.GOV on Gangstalking
Selection of Sample. A sample of 50 written accounts was considered
sufficient to capture the overall essence of participant experiences
while ...
denotes a pattern of repeated, unwanted intrusion by one person into
the life of another in a manner that causes distress, disruption, or
fear [1,2].
The concept of stalking was introduced in the late 1980s to describe a
form of interpersonal aggression that, although common through the ages,
had come to be socially unacceptable in the western world after the
recognition of equal rights for women and the prosecution of domestic
violence. To that extent, stalking is a social construct that arose in a
particular social and cultural context [3].
the turn of the millennium, another term linked to stalking has gained
currency in the media and on the world wide web—that of â€group’ or
â€gang’ stalking. Stalking generally involves a single stalker who may
occasionally recruit others into stalking by proxy, their involvement
usually being unwitting [4].
By contrast, reports of group or gang-stalking describe stalking by
multiple individuals who engage in a shared endeavour with a group
purpose. For research purposes, the number is taken as three or more,
although in many instances those suffering from the phenomenon have
reported the involvement of far greater numbers [5].
stalked by individuals is a relatively common experience in the western
world. The prevalence in different studies varies according to the
definition used, the methodology employed, and the population or
sub-population sampled. But even the most conservative estimates suggest
that 8% of women and 2% of men are stalked at some point in their lives
[6,7], and other studies from a range of western countries have found rates that were twice as high [8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15].
By contrast, indications as to the prevalence of gang-stalking
experiences are few in number. In an anonymous questionnaire that was
completed online by 1040 self-defined adult victims of stalking [5],
12.3% of respondents reported group or gang-stalking. A US Department
of Justice prevalence study, which used a tight definition of stalking
that required the victim to experience fear, found that 6.8% reported
stalking by three or more people, and were “unable to identify a single
offender” or “could not identify an offender who was singularly
responsible” [16].
The US study also examined cases where the behavioural part of their
definition of stalking was satisfied, but not the fear component. When
these cases were added to those defined as stalking, the total figure
for those reporting an inability to identify a single offender or
offender who was singularly responsible was 12.5% [17],
which is similar to that found in the questionnaire study. The
gang-stalking phenomenon would thus appear to be relatively common. Yet,
we could find only one empirical study of group or gang-stalking in the
published literature [5]. By contrast, a Google search for “gang-stalking” conducted on 5 February 2020 produced 7,550,000 â€hits’.
by individuals has been found to result in high rates both of
psychological distress and lasting psychiatric morbidity, in particular
post-traumatic symptomatology and depression [1,4,10,18,19,20].
The one study to examine the psychological sequelae of the experience
of being gang stalked found that individuals who had been group or gang
stalked scored significantly higher on ratings of depressive symptoms,
post-traumatic symptomatology and adverse impact on social and
occupational functioning than those who were individually stalked [5].
The only other published study of gang-stalking samples that we could
locate detailed four cases reported by the media of men who had engaged
in extreme violence as a response to the perception that they were the
target of gang stalkers [21]. Both Sheridan and James [5] and Sarteschi [21]
concluded that the subjects of their studies were suffering or had
suffered from severe psychological distress in the context of their
subjective gang-stalking experiences.
3. Results
3.1. Length of Stalking
of the writers of the narratives described their experiences as having
ended. All 50 authors stated or implied that they had been gang stalked
for lengthy periods of time (e.g., one mentioned being seen by seven
psychologists during the period of being targeted, another described
having been targeted whilst living in three different countries). The
shortest case was described as having begun “in the last few months” and
the longest as continuing for “more than 22 years”.
3.2. Reasons for the Gang-Stalking
narratives were examined to establish whether the perceived reasons for
being targeted by gang stalkers could be identified. Reasons were found
in 20 of the 50 accounts. In all 20 cases, no named person was believed
to be targeting the victim. Representative examples of the reasons
given for the gang-stalking were as follows:
To drive people to meet-up groups or a psychiatrist so they can be
medicated and/or get more federal grants for more mental health instead
of training a real police force. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a big
seller in the area.”
“It is a brainwashing military experiment. Post 9/11, they isolate certain people to stop them acting against government.”
“It is part of an overt agenda to create and test mind control. They are creating weaponry tested on us.”
began driving a friend around to make his pot sales and I started
noticing we would get tailed from time to time. I knew this friend had
connects in weird places (he knows members of Anonymous, he knows people
who work at the Pentagon). I also did a lot of research and was very
vocal about being anti-government and anti-corporation. This is what got
me targeted. If you are vocal about your positions, then you will
eventually run across a civilian spy who will pass the information to
their superiors, who will continue to pass the information up the chain
of command. Once you’re on their list, your life can become a living
5. Conclusions
experience of being gang-stalked appears to be a widespread phenomenon
that has been subject to little scientific examination. The current
study provides a preliminary description of the phenomena involved that
was produced by a methodology that did not incorporate
assumptions. This provides a foundation upon which further research
could be built. It also serves to confirm the harmful effects of the
gang-stalking experience upon sufferers, first set out in the only other
study available [5]. These findings constitute a potent
reason why gang-stalking should be regarded as an important subject for study.
it was important to adopt a methodology that allowed the phenomena
constituting the experience of gang-stalking to emerge de novo, it would
now be appropriate to conduct studies of cases based upon specific
questions in order to gain a clearer idea of the proportion
sufferers who experience each category of phenomenon, as the main
categories have now been elucidated and the core phenomena described.
This is because higher proportions are likely to be elicited through
direct questioning than were found by studying internet
Finally, whilst this study has described the core phenomena of the
gang-stalking experience, the question remains as to whether
gang-stalking is a single phenomenon or represents several overlapping
phenomena, each with its own defining pattern of experiences.
Background: Gangstalking
is a novel persecutory belief system whereby those affected believe
they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of
people, often numbering in the thousands. The harassment is experienced
as an accretion of
individually benign acts such as people clearing their throat,
muttering under their breath, or giving dirty looks as they pass on the
street. Individuals affected by this belief system congregate in online
fora to seek support, share experiences,
and interact with other like-minded individuals. Such people identify themselves as targeted individuals.
Objective: The
objective of the study was to characterize the linguistic and
rhetorical practices used by contributors to the gangstalking forum to
construct, develop, and contest the gangstalking belief system.
Methods: This
mixed methods study employed corpus linguistics, which involves using
computational techniques to examine recurring linguistic patterns in
large, digitized bodies of authentic language data. Discourse analysis
is an approach to text
which focuses on the ways in which linguistic choices made by text
creators contribute to particular functions and representations. We
assembled a 225,000-word corpus of postings on a gangstalking support
forum. We analyzed these data
keyword analysis, collocation analysis, and manual examination of
concordances to identify discursive and rhetorical practices among
self-identified targeted individuals.
Results: The
gangstalking forum served as a site of discursive contest between 2
opposing worldviews. One is that gangstalking is a widespread,
insidious, and centrally coordinated system of persecution employing
community members, figures of authority,
state actors. This was the dominant discourse in the study corpus. The
opposing view is a medicalized discourse supporting gangstalking as a
form of mental disorder. Contributors used linguistic practices such as
presupposition, nominalization, and the
of specialized jargon to construct gangstalking as real and external to
the individual affected. Although contributors generally rejected the
notion that they were affected by mental disorder, in some instances,
they did label others in the forum as
by mental illness if their accounts if their accounts were deemed to be
too extreme or bizarre. Those affected demonstrated a concern with
accumulating evidence to prove their position to incredulous others.
Conclusions: The
study found that contributors to the study corpus accomplished a number
of tasks. They used linguistic practices to co-construct an internally
coherent and systematized persecutory belief system. They advanced a
position that
is real and contested the medicalizing discourse that gangstalking is a
form of mental disorder. They supported one another by sharing similar
experiences and providing encouragement and advice. Finally, they
commiserated over the
challenges of proving the existence of gangstalking.
refers to a novel persecutory belief system wherein sufferers believe
that they are being followed, watched, and harassed by a vast network of
people in their community who have been recruited as complicit
perpetrators. They are frequently
as mentally ill, although they reject this formulation. Those affected
by this belief system self-identify as targeted individuals (TIs). They
seek to prove the veracity of their persecution and dispute the notion
that they are mentally ill by posting
videos online that purport to provide evidence of their claims.
The objective of the study was to characterize the multimodal social semiotic practices used in gangstalking evidence videos.
data provide insight into a novel persecutory belief system.
Interpersonal concerns are important for people affected, and they
construe others as either sympathetic or hostile. They create positive
ambient affiliation with viewers. We found that vloggers use
patients with persecutory belief systems. Clinicians may consider
stepping away from the traditional true/false dichotomy endorsed by
psychiatric classification systems and focus on the ambiguity in
semiotic systems generally and in persecutory belief systems
Keywords: internet,
discourse analysis, psychosis, delusion, semiotics, linguistics,
computer-mediated communication, schizophrenia, eHealth, video,
communication, YouTube, social media, discourse, mental health
Most Important Aspect Of This Research Findings Is The Use of the Term
"Clinicians" 3 seperate times in the research publication.
1 of 3 - Already Mentioned Above
data provide insight into a novel persecutory belief system.
Interpersonal concerns are important for people affected, and they
construe others as either sympathetic or hostile. They create positive
ambient affiliation with viewers. We found that vloggers use
patients with persecutory belief systems. Clinicians may consider
stepping away from the traditional true/false dichotomy endorsed by
psychiatric classification systems and focus on the ambiguity in
semiotic systems generally and in persecutory belief
systems specifically.
2 and 3 of 3:
Clinical Implications
observation may have important clinical ramifications. Traditionally,
psychiatrists define delusions as fixed beliefs that are not amenable to
change, considering conflicting evidence [47]. An alternative definition is that delusions are beliefs that are
demonstrably untrue or not shared by others [48]. However, these and other definitions of delusions fall short, and arriving at a definitive definition may be impossible [49]. The prospect of a clinician definitively establishing the truth or falsity of a delusional
system is often impractical or impossible. Often when a clinician
states that a belief system is untrue or impossible, they are relying on
their own beliefs, biases, and cultural referents. By shifting,
instead, to a linguistic or semiotic understanding of delusions
belief systems that are unresolvable or that defer understanding ad
infinitum, clinicians may sidestep the difficulties inherent in existing
definitions. Ultimately, all users of semiotic systems—patients and
clinicians alike—are subject to the same fundamental
on communication and understanding inherent in language and all
symbolic systems. Such a humbling realization may help to promote
empathy and understanding and reduce stigma affecting people afflicted
by persecutory belief systems.
I identify as a Targeted Individal of Gangstalking ongoing and non-stop
I would not become aware of this term until March of 2019 however, In
June of 2005, I registered an internet domain in view of this conflict
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Suspicion is undermining the American economy. By Jerry Useem NOVEMBER 24, 2021
Albert Tercero Manufacturer
inventories. Durable-goods orders. Nonfarm payrolls. Inflation-adjusted
GDP. These are the dreary reportables that tell us how our economy is
doing. And many of them look a whole lot better now than they did at
their early-pandemic depths. But what if there’s another factor we’re
missing? What if the data points are obscuring a deepening recession in a commodity that underpins them all?
Without it, Adam Smith’s invisible hand stays in its pocket; Keynes’s
“animal spirits” are muted. “Virtually every commercial transaction has
within itself an element of trust,” the Nobel Prize–winning economist
Kenneth Arrow wrote in 1972.
But trust is less quantifiable than
other forms of capital. Its decline is vaguely felt before it’s plainly
seen. As companies have gone virtual during the coronavirus pandemic,
supervisors wonder whether their remote workers are in fact working. New
colleagues arrive and leave without ever having met.
reports ask if they could have that casual understanding put down in
writing. No one knows whether the boss’s cryptic closing remark was
ironic or hostile.
Sadly, those suspicions may have some basis in
fact. The longer employees were apart from one another during the
pandemic, a recent study of more than 5,400 Finnish workers found, the
more their faith in colleagues fell. Ward van Zoonen of Erasmus
University, in the Netherlands, began measuring
among those office workers early in 2020. He asked them: How much did
they trust their peers? How much did they trust their supervisors? And
how much did they believe that those people trusted them? What he found
was unsettling. In March 2020, trust levels were fairly high. By May,
they had
slipped. By October—about seven
months into the pandemic—the employees’ degree of confidence in one
another was down substantially.
Another survey, by the Centre for
Transformative Work Design in Australia, found bosses having trust
issues too. About 60 percent of supervisors doubted or were unsure that
remote workers performed as well or were as motivated as those in the
office. Meanwhile, demand for employee-
software has skyrocketed more than 50 percent since before the
pandemic. And this spring, American employees were leaving their jobs at
the highest rate since at least 2000.
Each of these data points
could, of course, have multiple causes. But together they point in a
worrisome direction: We may be in the midst of a trust recession.
is to capitalism what alcohol is to wedding receptions: a social
lubricant. In low-trust societies (Russia, southern Italy), economic
growth is constrained. People who don’t trust other people think twice
before investing in, collaborating with, or hiring someone who isn’t a
family member (or a
member of their
criminal gang). The concept may sound squishy, but the effect isn’t. The
economists Paul Zak and Stephen Knack found, in a study published in
1998, that a 15 percent bump in a nation’s belief that “most people can
be trusted” adds a full percentage point to economic growth each
That means that if, for the past 20 years, Americans had trusted one
another like Ukrainians did, our annual GDP per capita would be $11,000
lower; if we had trusted like New Zealanders did, it’d be $16,000
higher. “If trust is sufficiently low,” they wrote, “economic growth is
If you can rely on people to do what they say
they’re going to do—without costly coercive mechanisms to make them
dependable—a lot of things become possible, argued Francis Fukuyama in
his 1995 book, Trust. In the late 19th century, it was “highly sociable
Americans” who developed the first
corporations, effectively pooling the ideas, efforts, and interests of
strangers. In the late 20th, some of the earliest iterations of the
internet emerged from the same talent for association. Throughout nearly
all of America’s history, its economy has benefited from a high degree
of trust.
But leaks in the trust reservoir have been evident
since the ’70s. Trust in government dropped sharply from its peak in
1964, according to the Pew Research Center, and, with a few exceptions,
has been sputtering ever since. This trend coincides with broader
cultural shifts like declining church
membership, the rise of social media, and a contentious political atmosphere.
David Brooks: America is having a moral convulsion
on trust between individual Americans are harder to come by; surveys
have asked questions about so-called interpersonal trust less
consistently, according to Pew. But, by one estimate, the percentage of
Americans who believed “most people could be trusted” hovered around 45
percent as late
as the mid-’80s; it is now
30 percent. According to Pew, half of Americans believe trust is down
because Americans are “not as reliable as they used to be.”
studies of suspicious Zoom workers suggest the Trust Recession is
getting worse. By October 2021, just 13 percent of Americans were still
working from home because of COVID-19, down from 35 percent in May 2020,
the first month the data were collected. But the physical separation of
colleagues has clearly taken a toll, and the effects of a long bout of remote work may linger.
one reason is: We’re primates. To hear the anthropologists tell it, we
once built reciprocity by picking nits from one another’s fur—a function
replaced in less hirsute times by the exchange of gossip. And what
better gossip mart is there than the office? Separate people, and the
as well as more productive forms of
teamwork—dries up. In the 1970s, an MIT professor found that we are four
times as likely to communicate regularly with someone sitting six feet
away from us as with someone 60 feet away. Maybe all that face time
inside skyscrapers wasn’t useless after all.
Trust is about two
things, according to a recent story in the Harvard Business Review:
competence (is this person going to deliver quality work?) and character
(is this a person of integrity?). “To trust colleagues in both of these
ways, people need clear and easily discernible signals about them,”
the organizational experts Heidi Gardner and Mark Mortensen. They argue
that the shift to remote work made gathering this information harder.
Unconsciously, they conclude, we “interpret a lack of physical contact
as a signal of untrustworthiness.”
This leaves us prone to what
social scientists call “fundamental attribution error”—the creeping
suspicion that Blake hasn’t called us back because he doesn’t care about
the project. Or because he cares about it so much that he’s about to
take the whole thing to a competitor. In the absence of fact—
that Blake had minor dental surgery—elaborate narratives assemble.
to the disruption and isolation of the pandemic a political climate
that urges us to meditate on the distance—ethnic, generational,
ideological, socioeconomic—separating us from others, and it’s not hard
to see why many Americans feel disconnected. A trust spiral, once begun, is hard to reverse.
has suffered most are “weak ties”—relationships with acquaintances who
fall somewhere between stranger and friend, which sociologists find are
particularly valuable for the dissemination of knowledge. A closed inner
circle tends to recycle knowledge it already has. New information is
likely to come from the serendipitous
encounter with Alan, the guy with the fern in his office who reports to
Phoebe and who remembers the last time someone suggested splitting the
marketing division into three teams, and how that went.
Read: The pandemic has erased entire categories of friendship
evidence suggests that having more weak ties can shorten bouts of
unemployment. In a famous 1973 survey, the Stanford sociologist Mark
Granovetter discovered that, among 54 people who had recently found a
new job through someone they knew, 28 percent had heard about the new
from a weak tie, versus 17 percent from a strong one. When the weak
ties fall away, our “radius of trust”—to borrow Fukuyama’s term—shrinks.
a problem for individual employees, as much as they may appreciate the
flexibility of working anywhere, anytime. And it’s a problem for
business leaders, who are trying to weigh the preferences of those
employees against the enduring existence of the place that employs them.
don’t want to end up like IBM. It saved $2 billion making much of its
workforce remote as early as the 1980s, only to reverse course in 2017,
when it recognized that remote work was depressing collaboration.
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella recently wondered whether companies were
“burning” some
of the face-to-face
“social capital we built up in this phase where we are all working
remote. What’s the measure for that?”
AS trust spiral,
once begun, is hard to reverse. One study found that, even 20 years
after reunification, fully half of the income disparity between East and
West Germany could be traced to the legacy of Stasi informers. Counties
that had a higher density of informers who’d ratted out their closest
colleagues, and neighbors fared worse. The legacy of broken trust has proved extraordinarily difficult to shake.
not hard to find advice on how to build a culture of trust: use humor,
share your vulnerabilities, promote transparency. But striking the right
tone in today’s pitched political climate, often over Zoom, possibly
under surveillance, is no easy feat.
Even so, it may be
instructive for companies trying to navigate this moment to remember why
they were formed in the first place. By the late 19th century, it was
evident that some jobs were too crucial to leave to a loose association
of tradespeople. If the mill had to be running full steam at all hours,
needed to know who could handle the
assembly line, who could fix a faulty gasket, and above all who would
reliably show up day after day. Then you needed those people legally
incorporated into one body and bound by the norms, attitudes, and
expectations baked into the culture of that body.
Not so
incidentally, those first corporations went by a particular moniker.
They were called “trusts.” And without that component underpinning all
the industrial might and entrepreneurial ingenuity, you have to wonder
if they could ever have been built at all.
This article appears in the December 2021 print edition with the headline “The End of Trust.”